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原标题:Parsing data back to mainPanel (java/swing)
  • 时间:2011-10-17 13:10:49
  •  标签:
  • java
  • swing

Set up: I have a mainPanel with a tabbedPane on it, i have a separate JPanel extra , extra creates an objects and i wish to pass that object back through to the mainPanel where i can actually use it/add it to the data structure.

Frame > Panel > TabbedPane > Panel (Separate category, Immediateiated as new Object)


我将在主角采取接受该物体的方法,但我不知道如何回去。 (cotPane(cgetRootPane)没有回过任何东西。)

同样不能肯定的是,如果使用正确的术语,如果在指挥线“团结”环境下对 Java进行教育,那么对我来说,Swaing是非常新的。

我审判了名单上的人、观察员,目前正在考虑一个根植的物体,并通过所有物体通过DOWN。 (作为参考的java通行证,可以按需要将信息退回) 如果说这不是一种完全 st的思想,那么,让我知道,我们大家都能够过上我们的生活。 如果能够做得更好,那是巨大的。


[programApp]>[programView>tabbedPane]>[panel] Panel is created using new, and exists in a separate class. I want to pass data back from Panel to programView (projectNameView as it is in netbeans)




Actually there are couple of variants depending on your preferences or exact task. For very simple case you can just use class with static fields to pass objects. Another way is to define your own listeners like:

private myPanel extends JPanel implements Notification {

... and where you create that panel:




SirVaulterScoff gave the best answer in my opinion, but I thought I d add some more (can t add comments yet, so I m creating a new answer).

您还应读到观察员-值得注意的模式(Wikipedia article,该模式与移动式中心模式一起使用。 在把我们的微型、小型和轻型武器分类联系起来时,确保一切尽可能松散。

作为附带评论:MVC确实是一种模式,如果你要与用户接口一起开发应用,那么你就应当把重点放在上。 它将拯救你们的许多头痛,使你的申请更容易维持和扩大。

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