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原标题:How to clear the link warning 4099

在我2005年的解决办法中,在建立这一解决办法时,将展示一些警告,如“警告LNK4099:PDB libbmt”。 pdb没有找到。 但是,我不知道可以否认这一点。



如果你有你使用的图书馆的来源,你就可以在德布尔模式中重建这些图书馆,并将产生的文件 *.pdb与你所连接的校准相复制。

If you do not have the source, there is a workaround, but it involves hex-editing the linker: https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/176188/can-not-disable-warning-lnk4099

Essentially, hex edit your link.exe (after backing it up!) to zap the occurrence of 4099 in the list of non-ignorable warnings. I did it and the hundred or so 4099 warnings disappeared! [L]ook for the hex bytes 03 10 00 00 (which is 4099 as a 32-bit little-endian hex value). Change it to (say) FF FF 00 00, save the file and you re done.



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