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原标题:What is wrong with this Excel Formula?



这使<代码>Cell Reference Error无效。 是否有错?


This is what you need:

=IF(G6="", "", INDIRECT(CONCATENATE(" [",G6,"]Sheet1 !$A1")))

G6 案文zipcodes-phoenixTEST.xlsx,则该公式等于

= [zipcodes-phoenixTEST.xlsx]Sheet1 !$A1


=IF(G6="", "", CONCATENATE("[",INDIRECT("G6"),"]",Sheet1!$A1))


This one worked for me:

=IF(G6=""; ""; CONCATENATE("[";INDIRECT("G6");"]";Sheet1!$A1))

我的Excel告诉我,我应该利用半殖民地(;)在职能上(althogh I没有english版本)。 你们也不应把头盔1和地址分开——他们只有在共同使用时才能工作:我们1!


首先,你们需要掌握读/研究的Excel文档。 然后,在<条码>之后,您必须使用<条码>INDIRECT:

INDIRECT(CONCATENATE("[", G6, "]", "Sheet1"," !$A1"))


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