English 中文(简体)
从土著法典(jni)通过 in,在 j瓦加以修改,并通过论点加以回击。
原标题:Passing an int from native code (jni) to java, modify it in java and pass back via arguments

I have a thread in my native Code (c++) and this thread calls a callback function in java with a passed integer in agument. The callback function in java should modify this integer and returns true or false. The native code sould work with the new (modified) integer.



     int id = 5;

callback_fct(int* id)
    jclass integerClass = (env)->FindClass("java/lang/Integer");
    jmethodID midConstructor = (env)->GetMethodID(integerClass, "<init>", "(I)V");
    jmethodID midIntValue = (env)->GetMethodID(integerClass, "intValue", "()I");
    jobject integerObject = (env)->NewObject(integerClass, midConstructor, *id);

            //id should be 5
    int res = env->CallIntMethod(appl_object, mid, integerObject);

    *id= env->CallIntMethod(integerObject, midIntValue);
            //id should be 99 now


private int callback( Integer ID)
    Log.i("JavaWrapper", "callback");
    Log.i("JavaWrapper", "Old ID: " + ID); //should be 5
    ID = 99;
    Log.i("JavaWrapper", "New ID: " + ID);  //should be 99
    return 0;





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