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如何在JMS活性MQ Artemis中获取一个星号的信息?
原标题:How to get the body of a byte message in JMS ActiveMQ Artemis?


Enumeration<Message> messageEnumeration =  queueBrowser.getEnumeration();
ArrayList<Message> messages = new ArrayList<>();
while (messageEnumeration.hasMoreElements()){


javax.jms.MessageFormatException: Body not assignable to class java.lang.String



如果您寄送了“JMS BytesMessage,则您可使用 only usegetBody with byte [].},例如:


If you ve serialized a Java String into the BytesMessage using something like this:


Then you ll be able to deserialize that String from the BytesMessage using something like this:

byte[] myBytes = new byte[(int)bytesMessage.getBodyLength()];
String myString = new String(myBytes, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

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