English 中文(简体)
虽然“Switch 声明”的产出是多余的
原标题:While/Switch Statement weird output
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

float cost, total;
bool loop(char item){
        switch (toupper(item)) {
            case  A :
                cost = 4.25;        
                return true;
            case  B :
                cost = 5.57;
                return true;
            case  C :
                cost = 5.25;
                return true;
            case  D :
                cost = 3.75;
                return true;
            case  T :
                return false;
        return true;

int main(){
        char item;
        do {
Enter Item Ordered [A/B/C/D] or T to calculate total:");
            scanf("%c", &item);
            total = total + cost;
        } while (loop(item)); 
        printf("Total Cost: $%f
", total);


$ ./Case3.o 

Enter Item Ordered [A/B/C/D] or T to calculate total:a

Enter Item Ordered [A/B/C/D] or T to calculate total:
Enter Item Ordered [A/B/C/D] or T to calculate total:b

Enter Item Ordered [A/B/C/D] or T to calculate total:
Enter Item Ordered [A/B/C/D] or T to calculate total:a

Enter Item Ordered [A/B/C/D] or T to calculate total:
Enter Item Ordered [A/B/C/D] or T to calculate total:t
Total Cost: $28.139999

为什么是在第一次印刷版后印制的f。 第一次从投入中抽取我两次。 那么,它如何计算5.24+5.57+5.24到28.14平等?


正如其他人提到的那样,当你报到时,有两种特性得到了投入, 您进入+新线。 你们都需要对这两种情况负责。


<>Approach 1: The C way

 scanf(" %c", &item);


<Approach 2: The C++ way


cin >> item;

Why the result is Undefined?
Because you did not initialize the variable total, This results in Undefined Behavior giving you unexpected output.
total is a global so it will be Default Initialized to 0.0.
Real reason for Undefined result is in @Mystical s answer.


www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_french.htm 因此,初始价值没有确定。

注意范围——数学的真正答案是,在<代码>enter<>/code>时,休息时间重新计算以前的费用。 这一点在我的解答中指出。


通知说,在你的开关中,违约只是回来。 <代码>费用从未确定。 因此,如果在<条码>中读到<>新线>,它就绕过了开关,留下了不起的费用。


total = 0;  // It s actually undefined since you didn t initialize, but it probably started as zero.

total += 4.25;    //  For a
total += 4.25;    //  For  
  after the  a 

total += 5.57;    //  For b
total += 5.57;    //  For  
  after the  b 

total += 4.25;    //  For a
total += 4.25;    //  For  
  after the  a 


<代码>t, 输入最后一行, 添加到<条码>。

这一点很容易解释。 当你进入<代码>a并打到ENTER key时,该编号为 2<>>>>>>>> /em> 载于投入缓冲中的特性,anewline


确实,在C++中,你应当使用<代码>cin >> 某些(或any of the streams-relatedpinuff really)来提供C++型投入。


Your total is composed of two of each value due to the fact that you re adding cost regardless of the value entered.

<代码>a,b,a,即4.25 + 5.57 + 4.25 = 14.07 - a:4.25,而不是5.24。 <代码>28.14准确为14.07两倍。

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