English 中文(简体)
原标题:why upcast when using arithmetic and access operators

what would be a reason for upcasting in C++ in the code which will be used for numerical computations over huge amounts of data (a library that I m using)?


template<class T>
class unallocatedArray
        unallocatedArray(int size, T t)
            : size_(size), t_(0) 


        // Copy constructor. This is the only way to 
        // actually allocate data: if the array is 
        // passed as an argument to the copy constr.
        // together with the size. 

        // Checks. Access operators. Iterators, etc.  
        // Wrappers for stl sorts...

        int size_;
        T* t_;

template<class T>
class myArray 
: public unallocatedArray<T>
        // This type actually allocates the memory.
        myArray (int size)
            : unallocatedArray<T>(size)
            // Check if size < 0..  

            // Allocate.
            this->t_ = new T[size];

        myArray (int size, T t)
            this->t_ = new T[size];

            for (int i = 0; i < this->size_; i ++ )
                this->t_[i] = t;

        // Some additional stuff such as bound checking and error handling. 
        // Append another array (resizing and memory copies), equality 
        // operators, stream operators, etc...


template<class T>
class myField
: public myArray<T>
        // Constructors call the parent ones. No special attributes added. 

        // Maping operations, arithmetical operators, access operator.


template<class T>
class geomField
: public myField<T>
    // myField but mapped on some kind of geometry, like surface meshes, 
    // volume meshes, etc.  

这只是一个非常简化的模式,只是说,准入经营人的定义是一切的,算术操作者被安排在我的外地班。 现在,如果需要做1 e07倍以下的话,那么把地平地推向我的外地的理由是什么:

access the element perform arithmetical expression

in the following way:

GeomField<myType> geomFieldObject;

myField<myType>&  downCast = geomFieldObject;

// Do the arithmetical operations on the downCast reference. 

两个领域? 是否还预示了某种惩罚? 算术经营者是否没有公开向地球领域提供:这不是公共继承的全部内容?




我只能猜测,但一些测量作业可能已经超出在<代码>geom Field上的文字,以便进行几何制图。

如果您有<代码>geom Field中的数据,但希望开展未规划的行动,这可能是进行预测的原因。

另一方面,如果在投稿后执行的业务中没有一个在<代码>geom Field上手写过。 那么,你就不必再 right。

And generally, upcasting doesn t introduce any performance drawbacks because usually (or even in every case, I m not sure right now ...) it is done completely at compilation time: Consider the following classes:

class A {
  void f();

class B : public A {
  void f(); // Overwrites A::f


B obj;







i. 不存在通过投放而产生的管理费。



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