English 中文(简体)
A. 简讯
原标题:Need JavaScript validation and submission

我做了一定数额的确认,但不能阻止提交。 请帮助我验证其他遗留领域。 这是我的法典:

<form action="" method="post" id="contacts-form" onsubmit="return >
<div class="field">
<input type="text" value="Name:" id="name" onfocus="if(this.value== Name: ){this.value=  }" onblur="if(this.value==  ){this.value= Name: }" />`enter code here`
<div class="field">
<input type="text" value="E-mail:" id="email" onfocus="if(this.value== E-mail: ){this.value=  }" onblur="if(this.value==  ){this.value= E-mail: }" />
<textarea cols="1" rows="1" id="message" onfocus="if(this.value== Message: ){this.value=  }" onblur="if(this.value==  ){this.value= Message: }">Message:</textarea>
<div class="link"><a href="#" onclick="document.getElementById( contacts-form ).reset()">Clear</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="#" onclick="document.getElementById( contacts-form ).submit(validateForm();)">Send</a></div> 

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm The Js Code I used is this:

function validateForm()
var x=document.forms["contacts-form"]["email"].value;
var atpos=x.indexOf("@");
var dotpos=x.lastIndexOf(".");

if (atpos<1 || dotpos<atpos+2 || dotpos+2>=x.length)
alert("Not a valid e-mail address");
return false;
 change onsubmit="return >
         onsubmit="return validateForm();"

并且还关闭了这些及带、形形形和斜体;以及 /fieldset >


onsubmit=“return >改为onSubmit=“return validateForm();>



<div class="link"><a href="#" onclick="document.getElementById( contacts-form ).reset()">Clear</a>    &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="#" onclick="document.getElementById( contacts-form ).submit()">Send</a></div>

You now execute the validateForm on submit 以及 if it fails the onSubmit gets the false from your function 以及 will not submit/reload the site.



function validateForm(){
var x=document.forms.contacts-form.email.value;
var atpos=x.indexOf("@");
var dotpos=x.lastIndexOf(".");

if (atpos<1 || dotpos<atpos+2 || dotpos+2>=x.length){
    alert("Not a valid e-mail address");
    return false;
else {

和 html:

<form action=   name= contacts-form  method= post >
<div class="field">
<input type="text" value="Name:" id="name" onfocus="if(this.value== Name: )            {this.value=  }" onblur="if(this.value==  ){this.value= Name: }" />`enter code here`
<div class="field">
<input type="text" value="E-mail:" id="email" onfocus="if(this.value== E-mail: )        {this.value=  }" onblur="if(this.value==  ){this.value= E-mail: }" />
<textarea cols="1" rows="1" id="message" onfocus="if(this.value== Message: )        {this.value=  }" onblur="if(this.value==  ){this.value= Message: }">Message:</textarea>
<div class="link"><a href="#" onclick="document.getElementById( contacts-vform ).reset()">Clear</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <button value="Send" onclick="validateForm()"></div>



function validateForm()
var isValid =true;
var x=document.forms["contacts-form"]["email"].value;
var atpos=x.indexOf("@");
var dotpos=x.lastIndexOf(".");

if (atpos<1 || dotpos<atpos+2 || dotpos+2>=x.length)
alert("Not a valid e-mail address");
isValid= false;
retrun isValid;

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