English 中文(简体)
辞职 to 树
原标题:Assign DefaultMutableTreeNode to JTree

我正在网上开发一个小型桌面应用程序。 页: 1 JTree动态。 对于这一种方法,将我送回。 现在如何将这个物体分配给<代码> JTree , i drag and Hawaii



package commondemo;
* @author hemant
 import java.awt.*;
 import javax.swing.*;
 import javax.swing.tree.*;

 public class SimpleTree extends JFrame {
 public static void main(String[] args) {
 new SimpleTree();

public SimpleTree() {
super("Creating a Simple JTree");

Container content = getContentPane();
Object[] hierarchy =
  { "javax.swing",
    new Object[] { "javax.swing.plaf",
                   "javax.swing.plaf.multi" },
    new Object[] { "javax.swing.text",
                   new Object[] { "javax.swing.text.html",
                                  "javax.swing.text.html.parser" },
                   "javax.swing.text.rtf" },
    "javax.swing.undo" };
DefaultMutableTreeNode root = processHierarchy(hierarchy);
JTree tree = new JTree(root);
content.add(new JScrollPane(tree), BorderLayout.CENTER);
setSize(275, 300);

/** Small routine that will make node out of the first entry
*  in the array, then make nodes out of subsequent entries
*  and make them child nodes of the first one. The process is
*  repeated recursively for entries that are arrays.

private DefaultMutableTreeNode processHierarchy(Object[] hierarchy) {
 DefaultMutableTreeNode node =
   new DefaultMutableTreeNode(hierarchy[0]);
 DefaultMutableTreeNode child;
for(int i=1; i<hierarchy.length; i++) {
  Object nodeSpecifier = hierarchy[i];
  if (nodeSpecifier instanceof Object[])  // Ie node with children
    child = processHierarchy((Object[])nodeSpecifier);
    child = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(nodeSpecifier); // Ie Leaf

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