English 中文(简体)
原标题:Callback URL for digg button

我正在一个网站工作,用户要求我执行功能,一旦在Facebook上的终端用户喜欢该网页,或者用户在D digg分成纽顿上点击该网页,即可向终端用户显示部分内容。

I have implemented a callback successfully which shows the content after the facebook button is liked. The way I did it is like this:

<div id= fb-root  style=  ></div> <fb:like href= URL to like  show_faces= false  border_color=   stream= false  header= false ></fb:like-box><script type= text/javascript >

         window.fbAsyncInit = function() {
        FB.init({appId:  APP ID , status: true, cookie: true, xfbml: true});
        FB.Event.subscribe( edge.create ,
            function(response) {

        alert ( You clicked the facebook button );

        // Other javascript to be executed can be placed here.          



    (function() {
        var e = document.createElement( script ); e.async = true;
            e.src = document.location.protocol +
               //connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js ;
            document.getElementById( fb-root ).appendChild(e);


I am trying to do something similar with Digg as well. I searched there API but I was not able to find a solution to such problem.

简言之,我想知道,是否有回响证实用户点击了 di子吗?

Thanks and any help would be appreciated.


Digg is not having any such callback thing. Came to me as a disappointment !



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