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原标题:How selenium can test if it has read access to a file

Our test-app runs on multiple Virtual Machines through Selenium Remote Control. The App sits on a test controller Server.

The test-app is used to test a third party online application.


是否有任何东西,如<代码>file.canRead(filepath),也有哪些东西可供 se?

Before you respond: File s canRead(filepath) will only test if the file is readable from a test controller server, not able to say anything if it is readable on VM where actual browsers are opening(testing) third-party-online-application.

基本上,我想通过 se将一些档案上载到第三方在线申请。



解决办法是在申请中建立下载链接,然后试图通过Selenium下载档案。 这样,你们就获得了用户代表的经验。

如果你真的ancy虚,申请书会生成一份现有日期的档案,然后让测试下载档案(简单文本档案)并在档案中注明日期。 然后,你测试申请书撰写,用户阅读档案,其中也包括查阅权。

你们使用哪一种文字? 如果假定您的上载文件属于“数据”目录,那么就可检查一下以下步骤:

File file = new File("./data/myfile.ext");
boolean canUpload = file.exists() && file.canRead();

String fileToUpload = file.getCanonicalPath(); //file name with full path
File file = new File("Folder_Location"); // Folder path if file name not known

boolean canUpload = file.listFiles()[index].canRead(); 


int size=file.listFiles().length-1;

boolean canUpload = file.listFiles()[size].canRead();

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