English 中文(简体)
• 如何将UTF-8混为一谈?
原标题:How to configure UTF-8 on Velocity?

利用 Java、塞莱、MySQL、Tomcat和Velocity采取了以下步骤:

  • velocity.properties :
    • input.encoding=UTF-8
    • output.encoding=UTF-8
  • server.xml
    • URIEncoding = UTF-8
  • <html><head> Charset
    • meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;CHARSET=UTF-8"
  • eclipse properties, project properties, file & editor encoding
    • set all that apply to UTF-8
  • JDBC connection:
    • db.url=jdbc:mysql://:/?useEncoding=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8
  • java/servlet code:
    • request.setCharacterEncoding( UTF-8 )

上述所有工作都是徒劳的。 在以下法典出台之前:

private String getParameter(String key) {
    String param = request.getParameter(key);
        if (Util.isNotEmpty(param)) {
            try {
                return new String(param.getBytes("8859_1"), "utf-8");
            } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
            return param;
    return null;

以上意思是,<代码>request.setCharacterEncoding don t有效力(getCharacterEncoding()确实将UTF-8 退回;明知该请求的总结载于; 当地人物体。

How is this caused and how can I solve it?


To interpret parameters correctly, the URL needs to be parsed as UTF-8 by tomcat. Set this in the server.xml connector properties, e.g. with:

<Connector port="8080"
               maxThreads="150" minSpareThreads="25" maxSpareThreads="75"
               enableLookups="false" redirectPort="8443" acceptCount="100"
               debug="0" connectionTimeout="20000" 

您在浏览器发现K的编码中得到了参数。 但是,问题可能基于一个超编的浏览器配置或Xml头er <?xml edition=“1.0” encoding=“iso8895_1”?>如果这种超文本与正编码一致,则可能需要什么。

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