English 中文(简体)
原标题:dynamically populating a drop down based on selection of one dropdown

我正试图根据另一个下降的挑选情况,把一人降为一例。 我正在利用休战框架,并利用 j解决上述问题陈述。 我的代码在使用“json()”方法向服务器发出“GET”电话时 st。 能够帮助我。


<div id="Symptoms" style="display:none;">
<html:form id="iamhere" method="POST" action="symptoms" >
<p>Enter/Choose ailment : 

<select id="diselc" name="AuthoringForm"  size="1" >
<option selected="selected"> </option>
<option>High Fever</option>
<p>Choose ailment classification : 
<select id="diselchild" name="AuthoringForm" > 

<fieldset style="width: 381px; height: 126px; padding: 2">
<legend align="left"></legend>
 Tick off patient context :
<html:radio value="Men" name="AuthoringForm" property="patient_context" disabled="false"/>
<html:radio value="Womwen" name="AuthoringForm" property="patient_context" disabled="false"/>
<html:radio value="Child" name="AuthoringForm" property="patient_context" disabled="false"/>
<html:radio value="Al" name="AuthoringForm" property="patient_context" disabled="false"/>
<p>Enter Pre Conditions</p>
<p><html:textarea rows="2" name="AuthoringForm" cols="20" property="patient_precondition" ></html:textarea>
<p>Must Have Symptoms : 
May Have Symptoms :</p>
<p><html:textarea rows="2" name="AuthoringForm" cols="20" property="must_have_symptoms"></html:textarea>
<!-- <input type="submit" value="Submit" name="B2">-->
<html:textarea rows="2" name="AuthoringForm" cols="20" property="may_have_symptoms"></html:textarea>
<input type="submit" value="Submit" name="symptomsButton"><input type="reset" value="Reset" onclick="clear_form_elements(this.form);"></p>


            $(document).ready(function() { 
                    fillOptions( diselc , diselchild ); 
            function fillOptions(parentId,ddId) {
                alert("atleast the call is being made in the fillOptions"+ddId);
                var dd = $( #  + ddId); 
                alert("the value being passed is "+dd);
                var jsonURL =  http://localhost:8080/docRuleTool/decisiontreeAction.do?dd=  + ddId +  &val=  + $( #  + parentId +   :selected ).val(); 
                $.getJSON(jsonURL, function(opts)
                alert("just after calling the servlet stuff ");
                    $( >option , dd).remove(); // Clean old options first. 
                    if (opts) { 
                        $.each(opts, function(key, value) { 
                            dd.append($( <option/> ).val(key).text(value)); 
                    } else { 
                        dd.append($( <option/> ).text("Please select parent")); 




$.getJSON(jsonURL, function() {
 //your code here
.error(function(jxhr) { alert(jxhr.ResponseText); });

see if the error handler gets called...

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