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原标题:Most efficient algorithm for adding treeview branches

我必须增加树木的分量(理想)。 我正在努力确定最低的O(n)技术是什么。


Id  ParentId    Value

0   null        Bob
1   0           Amy
2   1           Susan
3   1           Matt
4   2           Keith
5   4           Craig
6   4           Derrick



All I can come up with is an n^2 algorithm which for every entry scans every other entry to see if they belong as a sub node. I also am removing entries from the array to scan as they are being added. So it s a little less than n^2 if memory serves (probably not).




• 为每个身份证填写一份空名单。 每一行之间以及如果是父母 Id并非无效,在父母名单中加入Id。




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