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原标题:Actionscript rounding bug when dividing then multiplying


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Note the extra 2 at the end.

因此,当我试图拿到24.32432432243 * 3.7,然后我拿到89.99999999999美元时,我就会出现问题。 这是错误的。





var toFixed:Function = function(number, factor) {
    return (Math.round(number * factor)/factor);

Where the factor is 10, 100, 1000 etc, a simple way to think about it is the number of 0 s in the factor is the number of decimal places


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Good explanation of numeric in ActionScript can be found at http://docstore.mik.ua/orelly/web2/action/ch04_03.htm. See section Floating-point precision

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