English 中文(简体)
原标题:A design pattern to avoid multiple ifs

I have a really awfull class with two methods that start or stops some services when that services are available. Something like the following (they are not if-elses, just if):

void startServices() { 
if (service1 == true) { 
if (service2 == true) { 
} if (serviceN == true) { 

void stopServices() { 
if (service1 == true) { 
if (service2 == true) { 
if (serviceN == true) { 





依靠的是,我的第一个反应是将服务储存在一个散装或阵列中。 每个部门都采用开端和停用方法的接口。 开始或停止服务只需要服务钥匙或指数。



You can use the Strategy pattern.

想法是,你应知道,当你当下课时,你会采取什么样的战略(或你可以动态地改变这种策略)。 因此,你可以在战略中即时通过(并在以后选择取代)。

public interface IStartupStrategy
    void Start();

public interface IStopStrategy
    void Stop();

public class MyClass
    private readonly IEnumerable<IStartupStrategy> startupStrategies;
    private readonly IEnumerable<IStopStrategy> stopStrategies;

    public MyClass(IEnumerable<IStartupStrategy> startup, IEnumerable<IStopStrategy> stop)
        this.startupStrategies = startup;
        this.stopStrategies = stop;

    public void Start()
        foreach(var strategy in this.startupStrategies)

    public void Stop()
        foreach(var strategy in this.stopStrategies)

Use Objects, where you have a list of Services which you can iterate through turning them off with an inherited method stop().

public interface Service {
  void start();
  void stop();

public class TestService implements Service {
  void start() {

  void stop() {

Each service can also store its state so as to only turn them off if they are on.

换文不太令人混淆。 如果与斜体法一起使用,就非常可读。

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