English 中文(简体)
三. 实地监测表更新配对
原标题:Trying SQL table update matching on string field

Could really use some help with an update query...(SQL Serer 2008 R2 Express) I have two tables, tblJP and tblMaster.


tblJP AND tblMaster

我需要更新<代码>tblJP.LangString,tblMaster.Long_text。 时间

tblJP.short_text = tblMaster.short_text AND tblMaster.Lang =  jp 

任何帮助都将受到高度赞赏。 我的轮.试图制造各种逻辑和yn子,从为其他种类的结合制造温带,而无uck。


附有<代码>的简单更新 INNER JOIN应当做到。

UPDATE     tblJP
SET        tblJP.LangString = tblMaster.Long_Text
FROM       tblJP
INNER JOIN tblMaster ON tblMaster.alt_text = tblJP.short_text
WHERE      tblMaster.Lang =  jp 

<><> 在不首先对开发服务器进行测试的情况下,从未对你的生产服务器进行更新说明,特别是当有人写过KQ时。



       FROM   tblMaster
       WHERE  Lang =  jp ) AS SOURCE
ON SOURCE.alt_text = tblJP.short_text
  UPDATE SET LangString = SOURCE.Long_Text;  

In the event that the JOIN returns multiple rows you will be alerted to the problem with an error The MERGE statement attempted to UPDATE or DELETE the same row more than once.

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