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Eclipse C++ MinGW - 不得参加“Lauch”方案。
原标题:Eclipse C++ MinGW - Can not Lauch Program <Terminated>

I m a newbie in Eclipse. I use Eclipse Indigo and MinGW to program C++. Create build a Hello word project is ok but i can run the program. It have been terminated when lanched !

这是建筑工程(Ctrl + B):

“...... **** Build of configuration Debug for project Hl ****

**** Internal Builder is used for build **** Nothing to build for Hl


This is what I get when press Ctrl + F11 to run : “...... “......


anybody could tell me how to solve that problem ?



In addition, make sure that you don t include paths like this -> C:MinGWmsys1.0in If you do so the built application will crash immediately!

MinGW binaries must be in the %PATH%. 我不建议删除该系统的“路径变数”,除非混合是你的一个和唯一的工具链。 相反,在Eclipse中,情况如下:

  1. open the run configuration of your executable (black arrow near the green one
  2. run configurations ...
  3. then select your exe
  4. then go to the tab named "Environment"
  5. press "New ..."
  6. and add a variable named "PATH" with the content "%PATH%;C:MinGWin" (or wherever your MinGW is installed to)

这在2016年对我进行了Eclipse Luna的工作。

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