English 中文(简体)
• 为(a)住宿提供现成的私人预置缓冲?
原标题:Provide thread private preallocated buffer to a parallelized for() loop?


#if defined(_OPENMP)
        int const  threads = 8;
        omp_set_num_threads( threads );
        omp_set_dynamic( threads );
        int line = 0;
#pragma omp parallel private( line )
            // tell the compiler to parallelize the next for() loop using static
            // scheduling (i.e. balance workload evenly among threads),
            // while letting each thread process exactly one line in a single run
#pragma omp for schedule( static, 1 )
            for( line = 0 ; line < max; ++line ) {
                // some processing-heavy code in need of a buffer
        } // end of parallel section

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 问题是:。

可否利用标准的开放式管理计划 pragma/Function向执行我的住所的团队的每一对面提供一个个人(预定地点)缓冲(点)。 (需要消除每座休息室分配新的缓冲)





#pragma omp parallel 
    unsigned char buffer[1024]; // private

    // while letting each thread process exactly one line in a single run
    #pragma omp for // ... etc
    for(int line = 0; line < max; ++line ) {

如果你真的意味着你要为不同的平行区块分享同样的缓冲,那么你就不得不使用近距离储存。 (Boost and C++11 have facilities for Making that better to do (more portable also) than direct using TlsAlloc和朋友)。


认为平行区块可在运行时铺设,尽管它们不是lexically 封顶。 在实践中,这种做法通常不好,往往导致业绩不佳。 然而,这是你在这样做时需要知道的。


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