English 中文(简体)
Javacast to Validate 表格
原标题:JavaScript to Validate Form if certain selections are made and show dialog box
  • 时间:2023-09-20 01:29:57
  •  标签:
  • javascript

我的超文本形式有3个部分是,用户没有问题。 现有文字确保只选择对三个部分中的一部分的答复。

我现在要补充一点,即用户在任何部分选择不作所有答复时,应当作进一步的验证。 如果他们不选择那部分问题的话,我要向2个县(K和Cancel)和“你没有选择回答”的案文投掷方言。 你们是否希望继续?”


$(document).ready(function() {
  $("#editRecord").on("submit", function(e) {
    var buttonClicked = $("input[type=submit][clicked=true]").val();

    if (buttonClicked === "Continue") {
      if (!validateFinish(e)) {
    } else if (buttonClicked === "Save Draft") {
      if (!validateSaveDraft()) {
        console.log("Save Draft");

  $("input[type=submit]").click(function() {
    $("input[type=submit]", $(this).parents("form")).removeAttr("clicked");
    $(this).attr("clicked", "true");

  function validateFinish(ev) {
    // Add your validation logic for the Finish button here
    //alert("Form Validation is starting!");

    var sectionsTouched = $( tbody ).has( :checked ),
      inputs = {},
      errorMessage =   ;

    if (sectionsTouched.length === 0) {
      errorMessage =  Please check something before submitting. ;
    } else if (sectionsTouched.length > 1) {
      errorMessage =  Please complete A or B or C only ;
    } else {
      sectionsTouched.find( input ).each(function(i, e) {
        var me = $(e),
          name = me.attr( name );
        inputs[name] = !!inputs[name] || me.is( :checked );
      $.each(inputs, function(k, v) {
        if (!v) {
          errorMessage =  It appears you have not completed all questions. ;
        return v;
    if (errorMessage !==   ) {
      $( #error ).html(errorMessage);
      return false;
    return true;

  function validateSaveDraft() {
    // Add your validation logic for the Save Draft button here
    //alert("Just saving a Draft!");
    return true;
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
<form action="rateArticleCodes.php" method="post" class="" id="editRecord">
  <input type="hidden" name="recid" value="123445">

  <div class="rate-buttons left py2">
    <input type="submit" name="buttonType" id="saveDraft" value="Save Draft" class="mr1">
    <input type="reset" name="buttonType" value="Reset" class="mx1">
    <input type="submit" name="buttonType" id="submit" value="Continue" class="ml1">
  <div id="error" style="color: red"></div>

        <th class="nowrap text-left" colspan="2">Section 1</th>
        <td class="nowrap form-radio"><label>
                                                        <input name="CriteriaA1" type="radio" value="Yes"><span>Yes</span></label><label class="ml3"><input name="CriteriaA1" type="radio" value="No"><span>No</span></label></td>
        <td class="nowrap form-radio"><label>
                                                        <input name="CriteriaA2" type="radio" value="Yes"><span>Yes</span></label><label class="ml3"><input name="CriteriaA2" type="radio" value="No"><span>No</span></label></td>
        <td class="nowrap form-radio"><label>
                                                        <input name="CriteriaA3" type="radio" value="Yes"><span>Yes</span></label><label class="ml3"><input name="CriteriaA3" type="radio" value="No"><span>No</span></label></td>
        <td class="nowrap form-radio"><label>
                                                        <input name="CriteriaA4" type="radio" value="Yes"><span>Yes</span></label><label class="ml3"><input name="CriteriaA4" type="radio" value="No"><span>No</span></label></td>
        <td class="nowrap form-radio"><label>
                                                        <input name="CriteriaA5" type="radio" value="Yes"><span>Yes</span></label><label class="ml3"><input name="CriteriaA5" type="radio" value="No"><span>No</span></label></td>

  <p class="m2"><strong>OR</strong></p>

        <th class="nowrap text-left" colspan="2">Section 2</th>
        <td>B1. </td>
        <td class="nowrap form-radio"><label>
                                                        <input name="CriteriaB1" type="radio" value="Yes"><span>Yes</span></label><label class="ml3"><input name="CriteriaB1" type="radio" value="No"><span>No</span></label></td>
        <td class="nowrap form-radio"><label>
                                                        <input name="CriteriaB2" type="radio" value="Yes"><span>Yes</span></label><label class="ml3"><input name="CriteriaB2" type="radio" value="No"><span>No</span></label></td>
        <td class="nowrap form-radio"><label>
                                                        <input name="CriteriaB3" type="radio" value="Yes"><span>Yes</span></label><label class="ml3"><input name="CriteriaB3" type="radio" value="No"><span>No</span></label></td>

  <p class="m2"><strong>OR</strong></p>

        <th class="nowrap text-left" colspan="2">Section 3</th>
        <td class="nowrap form-radio"><label>
                                                        <input name="CriteriaC1" type="radio" value="Yes"><span>Yes</span></label><label class="ml3"><input name="CriteriaC1" type="radio" value="No"><span>No</span></label></td>
        <td class="nowrap form-radio"><label>
                                                        <input name="CriteriaC2" type="radio" value="Yes"><span>Yes</span></label><label class="ml3"><input name="CriteriaC2" type="radio" value="No"><span>No</span></label></td>
        <td>C3. </td>
        <td class="nowrap form-radio"><label>
                                                        <input name="CriteriaC3" type="radio" value="Yes"><span>Yes</span></label><label class="ml3"><input name="CriteriaC3" type="radio" value="No"><span>No</span></label></td>
        <td>C4. </td>
        <td class="nowrap form-radio"><label>
                                                        <input name="CriteriaC4" type="radio" value="Yes"><span>Yes</span></label><label class="ml3"><input name="CriteriaC4" type="radio" value="No"><span>No</span></label></td>
        <td>C5. </td>
        <td class="nowrap form-radio"><label>
                                                        <input name="CriteriaC5" type="radio" value="Yes"><span>Yes</span></label><label class="ml3"><input name="CriteriaC5" type="radio" value="No"><span>No</span></label></td>
        <td>C6. </td>
        <td class="nowrap form-radio"><label>
                                                <input name="CriteriaC6" type="radio" value="Yes"><span>Yes</span></label><label class="ml3"><input name="CriteriaC6" type="radio" value="No"><span>No</span></label></td>

  <div class="rate-buttons left py2">
    <input type="reset" name="buttonType" value="Reset" class="mx1">
    <input type="submit" name="buttonType" id="submit" value="Continue" class="ml1">
  <div id="error" style="color: red"></div>

  <!-- to here -->





inputs[name] = $("input[name= "+name+" ]:checked").val() || false;

Then simply create an array with the values and finally check if all values are "No" using every function. Below is a working demo.

 $(document).ready(function () {
      $("#editRecord").on("submit", function (e) {
        var buttonClicked = $("input[type=submit][clicked=true]").val();

        if (buttonClicked === "Continue") {
          if (!validateFinish(e)) {
        } else if (buttonClicked === "Save Draft") {
          if (!validateSaveDraft()) {
            console.log("Save Draft");

      $("input[type=submit]").click(function () {
        $("input[type=submit]", $(this).parents("form")).removeAttr("clicked");
        $(this).attr("clicked", "true");

      function validateFinish(ev) {
        // Add your validation logic for the Finish button here
        //alert("Form Validation is starting!");

        var sectionsTouched = $("tbody").has(":checked"),
          inputs = {},
          errorMessage = "";

        if (sectionsTouched.length === 0) {
          errorMessage = "Please check something before submitting.";
        } else if (sectionsTouched.length > 1) {
          errorMessage = "Please complete A or B or C only";
        } else {
          sectionsTouched.find("input").each(function (i, e) {
            var me = $(e),
              name = me.attr("name");
            inputs[name] = $("input[name= "+name+" ]:checked").val() || false;

          $.each(inputs, function (k, v) {
            if (!v) {
              errorMessage = "It appears you have not completed all questions.";
            return v;

          var isAllNo = Object.values(inputs).every(function(q){
              return q ===  No 

            if (confirm( You have selected "No" for your answers. Do you wish to continue? )) {
              console.log( Thing was saved to the database. );
            } else {
              console.log( Thing was not saved to the database. );
        if (errorMessage !== "") {
          return false;
        return true;

      function validateSaveDraft() {
        // Add your validation logic for the Save Draft button here
        //alert("Just saving a Draft!");
        return true;
 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
  <form action="rateArticleCodes.php" method="post" class="" id="editRecord">
    <input type="hidden" name="recid" value="123445" />

    <div class="rate-buttons left py2">
        value="Save Draft"
      <input type="reset" name="buttonType" value="Reset" class="mx1" />
    <div id="error" style="color: red"></div>

          <th class="nowrap text-left" colspan="2">Section 1</th>
          <td class="nowrap form-radio">
              <input name="CriteriaA1" type="radio" value="Yes" /><span
            ><label class="ml3"
              ><input name="CriteriaA1" type="radio" value="No" /><span
          <td class="nowrap form-radio">
              <input name="CriteriaA2" type="radio" value="Yes" /><span
            ><label class="ml3"
              ><input name="CriteriaA2" type="radio" value="No" /><span
          <td class="nowrap form-radio">
              <input name="CriteriaA3" type="radio" value="Yes" /><span
            ><label class="ml3"
              ><input name="CriteriaA3" type="radio" value="No" /><span
          <td class="nowrap form-radio">
              <input name="CriteriaA4" type="radio" value="Yes" /><span
            ><label class="ml3"
              ><input name="CriteriaA4" type="radio" value="No" /><span
          <td class="nowrap form-radio">
              <input name="CriteriaA5" type="radio" value="Yes" /><span
            ><label class="ml3"
              ><input name="CriteriaA5" type="radio" value="No" /><span

    <p class="m2"><strong>OR</strong></p>

          <th class="nowrap text-left" colspan="2">Section 2</th>
          <td class="nowrap form-radio">
              <input name="CriteriaB1" type="radio" value="Yes" /><span
            ><label class="ml3"
              ><input name="CriteriaB1" type="radio" value="No" /><span
          <td class="nowrap form-radio">
              <input name="CriteriaB2" type="radio" value="Yes" /><span
            ><label class="ml3"
              ><input name="CriteriaB2" type="radio" value="No" /><span
          <td class="nowrap form-radio">
              <input name="CriteriaB3" type="radio" value="Yes" /><span
            ><label class="ml3"
              ><input name="CriteriaB3" type="radio" value="No" /><span

    <p class="m2"><strong>OR</strong></p>

          <th class="nowrap text-left" colspan="2">Section 3</th>
          <td class="nowrap form-radio">
              <input name="CriteriaC1" type="radio" value="Yes" /><span
            ><label class="ml3"
              ><input name="CriteriaC1" type="radio" value="No" /><span
          <td class="nowrap form-radio">
              <input name="CriteriaC2" type="radio" value="Yes" /><span
            ><label class="ml3"
              ><input name="CriteriaC2" type="radio" value="No" /><span
          <td class="nowrap form-radio">
              <input name="CriteriaC3" type="radio" value="Yes" /><span
            ><label class="ml3"
              ><input name="CriteriaC3" type="radio" value="No" /><span
          <td class="nowrap form-radio">
              <input name="CriteriaC4" type="radio" value="Yes" /><span
            ><label class="ml3"
              ><input name="CriteriaC4" type="radio" value="No" /><span
          <td class="nowrap form-radio">
              <input name="CriteriaC5" type="radio" value="Yes" /><span
            ><label class="ml3"
              ><input name="CriteriaC5" type="radio" value="No" /><span
          <td class="nowrap form-radio">
              <input name="CriteriaC6" type="radio" value="Yes" /><span
            ><label class="ml3"
              ><input name="CriteriaC6" type="radio" value="No" /><span

    <div class="rate-buttons left py2">
      <input type="reset" name="buttonType" value="Reset" class="mx1" />
    <div id="error" style="color: red"></div>

    <!-- to here -->

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