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原标题:How can I remove even numbers from my array?

Attempting to remove all even numbers from the array. I have managed to remove some but there are still two persisting. I am unsure what to do as I have very new to coding and only know the very basics.

function findEfficientBulbs(serialNumbers) {
const efficientSerialNumbers = [];
// Below

//create a loop to go through the array
for (let i = 0; i < serialNumbers.length; i++){
    //define a varible to look through the array via loop 
    const currentBulb = serialNumbers[i]
    //create if statement to find odd numbers and has 6 digits
    // remove items containing even numbers
        if (currentBulb === 6 && currentBulb % 2 === 1 ){
            //push variable into efficient array

return efficientSerialNumbers;

error 收到:

✕ AssertionError: expected [] to deeply equal [ 234567, 456789 ]


[ 123456, 234567, 345678, 456789 ]



您目前的法典正在检查<代码> 现行Bulb是否等于6,如果是奇怪的,那么它为什么不按预期行事。 为了解决这个问题,你应当检查人数的长短是否为6岁,如果是奇怪的话。 本条更正的法典:

function findEfficientBulbs(serialNumbers) {
  const efficientSerialNumbers = [];

  for (let i = 0; i < serialNumbers.length; i++) {
    const currentBulb = serialNumbers[i];

    if (currentBulb.toString().length === 6 && currentBulb % 2 === 1) {

  return efficientSerialNumbers;

在本法典中, CurrentBulb.toString().length ==6,条件是该数字的长度为6位数; 当前Bulb % 2 = 1,如果其数字为奇数的话。 即便有来自阵列的6位数,这还是正确的。


如果你想简化你的职能,你可以使用<条码>过滤<>。 只能归还甚至 t的东西。 另外,对于工作时间长短,价值也需作非计算。

function findEfficientBulbs(serialNumbers) {
  return serialNumbers.filter((e) => e % 2 > 0 && String(e).length === 6)

console.log(findEfficientBulbs([123456, 234567, 345678, 456789]))



if (currentBulb === 6 && currentBulb % 2 === 1 ){

这份声明基本上说,“目前的Bulb有6份 > > > /m> 并且是一个奇数”,“ALWAYS决心false,从而总是形成一个空阵。


✕ AssertionError: expected [] to deeply equal [ 234567, 456789 ]




您可以比较数字,这样,在100 000至99999之间,其人数要长6位数:

function findEfficientBulbs(serialNumbers) {
  return serialNumbers.filter((e) => e % 2 > 0 && e >= 10000 && e < 1000000)

console.log(findEfficientBulbs([123456, 234567, 345678, 456789, 1233421, 9999]))
Cycles: 10000000 / Chrome/117
Alexander      151/min  1.0x  163  163  151  169  162
Hitesh Kumar   292/min  1.9x  292  298  295  309  322

<script benchmark="10000000">

const serialNumbers = [123456, 234567, 345678, 456789, 1233421, 9999];

// @benchmark Hitesh Kumar

function findEfficientBulbs(serialNumbers) {
  const efficientSerialNumbers = [];

  for (let i = 0; i < serialNumbers.length; i++) {
    const currentBulb = serialNumbers[i];

    // Check if the number has 6 digits and is odd
    if (currentBulb.toString().length === 6 && currentBulb % 2 === 1) {

  return efficientSerialNumbers;

// @run

// @benchmark Alexander
serialNumbers.filter((e) => e % 2 > 0 && e >= 10000 && e < 1000000)
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/silentmantra/benchmark/loader.js"></script>

Remove currentBulb === 6 from the code and use like below,

function findEfficientBulbs(serialNumbers) {
    const efficientSerialNumbers = [];

    // Loop through the array
    for (let i = 0; i < serialNumbers.length; i++) {
        const currentBulb = serialNumbers[i];

        // Check if the current number is odd
        if (currentBulb % 2 === 1) {

    return efficientSerialNumbers;

const serialNumbers = [123456, 234567, 345678, 456789];
const result = findEfficientBulbs(serialNumbers);
function findEfficientBulbs(serialNumbers) {
return serialNumbers.filter(el => el % 2 !== 0 && el.toString().length === 6);

const results = findEfficientBulbs([123456, 123458];

Since you are trying to remove the numbers having a length of 6 and the even numbers from an array of numbers, the above code snippet might work well for you. Here the code is filtering out the items from the array by using the above conditions. It will return a new array without the even numbers.

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