English 中文(简体)
原标题:What s the fastest way to read a file full of strings (separated by newlines) in an array of unsigned char arrays (and vice versa)?

当然,标题可能会误导。 各位都希望你尽快研究以下两条幻灯片,并就如何尽可能改善业绩,避免过于夸张。 守则只需要双赢。 不幸的是,STL集装箱现在不是一个选择。


bool TextFile::Read(const char *pFilePath)
    bool            bSuccess    = false;
    std::ifstream   oFile(pFilePath, std::ios_base::in);

        std::string stLineNow;
        std::size_t siLineLength;


        this->stFilePath = pFilePath;

        oFile.seekg(0, std::ios::end);
        this->pLines = new unsigned char *[static_cast<unsigned int> (oFile.tellg())];
        oFile.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);

        for(this->ulLinesCount = 0; std::getline(oFile, stLineNow).good(); this->ulLinesCount++)
            siLineLength = stLineNow.length() + 1;
            this->pLines[this->ulLinesCount] = new unsigned char[siLineLength];
            memcpy(this->pLines[this->ulLinesCount], stLineNow.c_str(), siLineLength);

        bSuccess = true;


    return bSuccess;


bool TextFile::Save(const char *pFilePath)
    bool bSuccess = false;

        std::ofstream oFile(pFilePath ? pFilePath : this->stFilePath, std::ios_base::out);

            for(unsigned long ulPosition = 0; ulPosition < this->GetCount(); ulPosition++)
                oFile << this->Get(ulPosition) <<  

            bSuccess = true;


    return bSuccess;





  • Use memory-mapped files. That s THE fastest way of reading files;
  • Then memcpy() all the file s contents in a new buffer;
  • Then run through the buffer once and count the newlines;
  • Make an array of as many pointers as there are newlines;
  • Run through the buffer another time, and this time:
    • Replace the first byte of each newline with 0.
    • Place a pointer to the start of each line in the pointer array.

Voilà !



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