English 中文(简体)
AS3: 外部舱面的存取功能
原标题:AS3: Access function in external class located in external swf

I am trying to access a function in a loaded swf that has external class.. I would like to avoid having to put the function on my "Main" Doc class in the external swf and instead access the function directly from the class


 private function startLoad(){
        var loader:Loader = new Loader();
        var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest("one.swf");
        loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoadComplete);

 private function onLoadComplete(e:Event):void{
        var ClassDefinition:Class = e.target.applicationDomain.getDefinition("com.view.Creative") as Class;
        var butn:MovieClip = new ClassDefinition(0,0);////0,0 is x and y cordinates I have in the "com.view.Creative" class

        butn.setVar("one");////"setVar" is the function in my external swf with the class "com.view.Creative"

这是 com。 创造性。

  public var storedVar:String

  public function setVar(str:String):void{
               this.storedVar = str;

/Returns “ReferenceError: Error # 1069: Property setVar not found on com.view. 创造性,没有违约值

This is the other approach I took with no success

  private function startLoad(){
        var appDomain:ApplicationDomain = new ApplicationDomain();
        var context:LoaderContext = new LoaderContext(false, appDomain);
        var loader:Loader = new Loader();
        loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeHandler); 
        loader.load(new URLRequest("one.swf"), context);


  private function completeHandler(event:Event):void { 
        var myGreet:Class = ApplicationDomain.currentDomain.getDefinition("com.view.Creative") as Class;                
        var app : MovieClip = new myGreet(0,0)
        app.setVar("one");////set var is the function in my external swf with the class "com.view.Creative" I am trying to access
        //event.target.content.setVar("one");///this works if I am placing my "setVar" function on my "Main" Doc Class which I am trying to avoid///


这是 com。 创造性。

   public var storedVar:String

   public function setVar(str:String):void{
               this.storedVar = str;

//Returns "ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property setVar not found on com.view.Creative and there is no default value. at com.util::ClickArea/completeHandler()"

这是一项解决办法。 先进经验!



 var myGreet:Class = event.target.applicationDomain.getDefinition("com.view.Creative") as Class;  

活动。 目标是你的内容。


第一种情况: 你们已经根据这些内容有创造力的阶层,但是有不同的寄生虫和时间。 页: 1 创造力不会超过现有标准,而是从主食中恢复。



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