English 中文(简体)
原标题:Contingency Table in Mathematica


dist = Parallelize[Table[RandomVariate[NormalDistribution[]], {100000}]];

dist2 = Rest@FoldList[0.95 # + #2 &, 0, dist];

dist3 = Rest@FoldList[0.95 # + Abs[#2] &, 0, dist];

dist4 = {dist2, dist3}[Transpose]

q1 = Flatten[{Quantile[dist2, {1/3, 2/3}], Quantile[dist3, {1/3, 2/3}]}]

{-1.39001, 1.33851, 15.0327, 16.6757}


What I need to do : For each element of dist4 I need to see with of the 9 box below it belongs to :

for example : {1.55191, 15.7189} belongs to 2   
                            1.55 belongs to 1 and 
                           15.71 belongs to 8  
So the intersection is 2.  

我曾尝试过,如果是,还是转手,但要写得很长。 是否有这样做的自动途径?



{a, b, c, d} = q1;
tbl = Range@9 ~Partition~ 3;

f[{x_, y_}] := tbl[[
  Which[x > b, 1, x > a, 2, x <= a, 3],
  Which[y < c, 1, y < d, 2, y >= d, 3]

f /@ dist4 // Short
y[t_] := Piecewise[{{7, t <  q1[[1]]}, {4, t <= q1[[2]]}}, 1];
x[t_] := Piecewise[{{0, t <  q1[[3]]}, {1, t <= q1[[4]]}}, 2];
{{##}, x[#1] + y[#2]} & @@@ dist4


k = BinLists[dist4,
   {Join[{Min[dist4[[All, 1]]]}, q1[[1 ;; 2]], {Max[dist4[[All, 1]]]}]},
   {Join[{Min[dist4[[All, 2]]]}, q1[[3 ;; 4]], {Max[dist4[[All, 2]]]}]}

        Flatten[MapIndexed[{#1, #2} &, k, {2}], 1], {{x__}, t_} :>
           (Join[{#}, {9 - 3 First@t + Last@t}] & /@ {x}), {1}], 1]

Have you considered using a step function? Depending on whether you want the output to be {3,2} in the case of slot 8, or actually the number 8, the implementation might differ.

g1[x_] := 
 Piecewise[{{1, x > 1.33851}, {2, 1.33851 >= x > -1.39001}, 3}]

g2[x_] := Piecewise[{{1, x < 15.0327}, {2, 15.0327 <= x < 16.6757}}, 3]

slotfn[{a_, b_}] := {g2[b], g1[a]}

slotnumber[{a_, b_}] := 3 g2[b] + g1[a]

如果实际执行情况相同,请删除。 我遗憾地指出,我的不功能的“终端”版本确保你只将两个论点转至<代码>slotf或slot

(a) 单独限制:

limits =
   {.1, .15, .5, [Infinity]},
   {1, 2, 3, [Infinity]}

cell[l_List] :=
    limits[[i]], _?(# > l[[i]] &), 1, 1
    ][[1, 1]], {i, 1, Length@l}]

。 您可以:

(cell[{.4, 1.5}] - {0, 1})*{1, Length[limits[[1]]]} // Plus @@ # &

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