English 中文(简体)
原标题:Sorting/Grouping data by date (day)?
  • 时间:2011-10-23 10:14:12
  •  标签:
  • php
  • mysql

我正在为大家建立一个网站。 我希望有一个这样的名单。

Saturday 10/22/2011 (header)

Product title 1-city - 100$

产品名称 2-city - 74$

产品标题 3-city - 500美元

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 星期日 10/23/2011(标题)

产品标题 4-city - 150$

产品所有权 5-城市 - 220美元

产品标题 6-city - 10$

My code is ordering the list perfectly from newest to the oldest but I want to add something to the while loop to print out the headers (which are in bold) like (Saturday 10/22/2011). Basically i want to group the lists under the name of the day they were posted on here is my code:

$sql = "SELECT post_id,city, title, price, imgurl FROM md_post WHERE category= $cat  AND city= $city  ORDER BY timeStamp desc";

$result = mysql_query($sql);

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
echo "<a href= adid.php?id=".$row[ post_id ]." >". $row[ title ]. " - ". $row[ price ]." - ".$row[ city ]."</a>";

假定时间 Stamp是一个不完善的时局:

$sql = "SELECT post_id, city, title, price, imgurl, timeStamp FROM md_post WHERE category= $cat  AND city= $city  ORDER BY timeStamp desc";

$result = mysql_query($sql);

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
    if (!isset($dateold) || $dateold != date( d ,$row[ timeStamp ]) {
        echo  <strong> .date( l  m/d/Y ,$row[ timeStamp ]).</strong><br />;
    echo "<a href= adid.php?id=".$row[ post_id ]." >". $row[ title ]. " - ".$row[ price ]." - ".$row[ city ]."</a>";
    $dateold = date( d ,$row[ timeStamp ]);


  1. add timestamp to your select fields
  2. introduce new variable that holds last used timestamp
  3. in while loop check if date form last used timestamp differs from current row, if so print header based on current row timestamp, assign it to last used timestamp and then print the rest.

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