English 中文(简体)
• 采用适当方法进行高额读取?
原标题:Correct way to cap Mathematica memory use?


然而,在64轨道上,数学将自由使用所有现有记忆,使该系统停止运行。 因此,打字记忆的用法是什么? 可以使用<代码>。 记忆栏/代码与<代码>前或<>代码>合并,但我不会将其中任一目标联系起来,也不必修改现有的用途,以纳入这一职能。



http://www.em.matica/em。 8位你们可以开始记忆监测,其行文如下:

maxMemAllowed        = 15449604;
intervalBetweenTests = 1; (*seconds*)
iAmAliveSignal       = 0;
       If[MemoryInUse[] > maxMemAllowed , Quit[], iAmAliveSignal++],      



a. 残疾。


You may alert or interactively decide what to do before quitting. As requested, here is a trial with 1.3GB allocated. I can t go much further than that in this machine.

maxMemAllowed = 1.3 1024^3; (*1.3 GB*)
intervalBetweenTests = 1; (*Seconds*)
iAmAliveSignal = 0;
leyendToPrint = "";
  If[MemoryInUse[] > maxMemAllowed, 
   CreateDialog[CancelButton["Max Mem Reached", DialogReturn[]]]; 
   Print["Memory in use: ", MemoryInUse[]]; 
   leyendToPrint = 
    "Seconds elapsed = " <> ToString[iAmAliveSignal++]], 
IntegerPartitions[320, {15}];




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