English 中文(简体)
• 如何只展示几个想象力习惯子弹
原标题:How to display only a few pagination custom bulletRender

当高分辨率的子弹过多时,它会过度流入。 我只想在OMOM中打下几颗幻灯片,但每个子弹的冰原名仍然保留。


https://codepen.io/Barnicles/pen/OYbdQq”rel=“nofollow noreferer”>https://codepen.io/Barnicles/pen/OYbdQq

var timelineSwiper = new Swiper ( .timeline .swiper-container , {
  direction:  vertical ,
  loop: false,
  speed: 1600,
  pagination:  .swiper-pagination ,
  paginationBulletRender: function (swiper, index, className) {
    var year = document.querySelectorAll( .swiper-slide )[index].getAttribute( data-year );
    return  <span class="  + className +  ">  + year +  </span> ;
  paginationClickable: true,
  nextButton:  .swiper-button-next ,
  prevButton:  .swiper-button-prev ,
  breakpoints: {
    768: {
      direction:  horizontal ,


I expect the paginationBulletRender to keep including span classes and fill the whole screen but I only want to have a few on the screen.


而不是这一行文:pagination: .swiper-pagination


pagination: {
           el: ".swiper-pagination",
           dynamicBullets: true,
           dynamicMainBullets: 3

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