English 中文(简体)
• 如何在Docker 挖掘玉米保护区
原标题:How to cache maven dependencies in Docker



FROM maven:3.6.0-jdk-8-slim


ADD pom.xml /app

RUN mvn verify clean --fail-never

COPY ./src /app/src

RUN mvn package


WORKDIR target

CMD ["java","-jar","-Dlogs=/app/logs", "myProject.jar"]

这份Dockerfile公司应当配备200德国马克,包括所有附属公司,因此每当一次就会出现200德国马克。 想要实现的是,在包装阶段建造一个有所有附属和“星号”的电离层,以便不将附属公司列入联合财产调查组,而是在某个目录内搜寻。

I was wondering to build a script that executes mvn dependency:copy-dependencies before the building process and then copying the directory to the container; then building a "non-fat"JAR that has all those dependencies only linked and not actually copied into it.


EDIT: I discovered that the Maven Local Repository of the container is located under /root/.m2. So I ended making a very simple script like this:


mvn verify -clean --fail-never
mv ~/.m2 ~/git/myProjectRepo/.m2

sudo docker build -t myName/myProject:"$1"


# Use an official Python runtime as a parent image
FROM maven:3.6.0-jdk-8-slim

# Copy my Mavne Local Repository into the container thus creating a new layer
COPY ./.m2 /root/.m2

# Set the working directory to /app

# Copy the pom.xml
ADD pom.xml /app

# Resolve and Download all dependencies: this will be done only if the pom.xml has any changes
RUN mvn verify clean --fail-never

# Copy source code and configs 
COPY ./src /app/src

# create a ThinJAR
RUN mvn package

# Run the jar

在施工过程之后,i表示/root/m2 (a) 启动联合调查,以便:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/log4j/Priority
    at myProject.ThreeMeans.calculate(ThreeMeans.java:17)
    at myProject.ClusteringStartup.main(ClusteringStartup.java:7)
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.log4j.Priority
    at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:382)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:424)
    at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Launcher.java:349)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:357)
    ... 2 more

或许可以通过<编码>java -jar<>/code>操作。


如果我正确理解你想要取得什么成就,那么问题就是避免在Docker建筑的所有Maven Dependen建立一个fat jar(以缓解在重建后将推向的Docker层的面积)。

If yes, you may be interested in the Spring Boot Thin Launcher, which is also applicable for non-Spring-Boot projects. Some comprehensive documentation is available in the README.md of the corresponding GitHub repo: https://github.com/dsyer/spring-boot-thin-launcher#readme



理想的情况是,这一解决办法应与标准<代码>Dockerfile相结合,该编码是为了从Docker s cache中受益(典型例子见下文)。

Leverage Docker s cache mechanism for a Java/Maven project

The archetype of a Dockerfile that avoids re-downloading all Maven dependencies at each build if only source code files (src/*) have been touched is given in the following reference:


# our base build image
FROM maven:3.5-jdk-8 as maven


# copy the Project Object Model file
COPY ./pom.xml ./pom.xml

# fetch all dependencies
RUN mvn dependency:go-offline -B

# copy your other files
COPY ./src ./src

# build for release
# NOTE: my-project-* should be replaced with the proper prefix
RUN mvn package && cp target/my-project-*.jar app.jar

# smaller, final base image
FROM openjdk:8u171-jre-alpine
# OPTIONAL: copy dependencies so the thin jar won t need to re-download them
# COPY --from=maven /root/.m2 /root/.m2

# set deployment directory

# copy over the built artifact from the maven image
COPY --from=maven /app/app.jar ./app.jar

# set the startup command to run your binary
CMD ["java", "-jar", "/app/app.jar"]

Note that it relies on the so-called multi-stage build feature of Docker (presence of two FROM directives), implying the final image will be much smaller than the maven base image itself.
(If you are not interested in that feature during the development phase, you can remove the lines FROM openjdk:8u171-jre-alpine and COPY --from=maven /app/app.jar ./app.jar.)

在这种办法中,Maven Dependencies与RUN mvn Depend:go-offline - B前。 http://www.ohchr.org。

Note however that the dependency:go-offline standard goal is not "perfect" as a few dynamic dependencies/plugins may still trigger some re-downloading at the mvn package step. If this is an issue for you (e.g. if at some point you d really want to work offline), you could take at look at that other SO answer that suggests using a dedicated plugin that provides the de.qaware.maven:go-offline-maven-plugin:resolve-dependencies goal.

In general Dockerfile container build, works in layers and each time you build these layers are available in catch and is used if there are no changes. Ideally it should have worked same way.





<>说明: 您可能需要取代现有的<代码>>m2。 do


FROM maven:3.6.0-jdk-8-slim


COPY .m2.zip /home/testuser/

ADD pom.xml /app

RUN mvn verify clean --fail-never

COPY ./src /app/src

RUN mvn package

The documentation of the official Maven Dockertext还指出了改善对依赖性进行分类的不同方法。


Docker有一个RUN切片,你可以用来进一步收集玉米目录。 这里有Dockerfile与Maven一起申请春布特。

FROM eclipse-temurin:17-jdk-alpine AS build
WORKDIR /workspace/app
COPY mvnw .
COPY .mvn .mvn
COPY pom.xml .
    ./mvnw dependency:resolve-plugins dependency:resolve
COPY src src
    ./mvnw package
RUN mkdir -p target/dependency && (cd target/dependency; jar -xf ../*.jar)

FROM eclipse-temurin:17-jdk-alpine
ARG DEPENDENCY=/workspace/app/target/dependency
COPY --from=build ${DEPENDENCY}/BOOT-INF/lib /app/lib
COPY --from=build ${DEPENDENCY}/BOOT-INF/classes /app
ENTRYPOINT ["java","-cp","app:app/lib/*","com.example.SpringApplication"]

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