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• 保险——由MongoDB通过 Java在安全的条件下通过 Java插入的物体生成识别器
原标题:Concurrency - Getting the MongoDB generated ID of an object inserted via Java in a thread safe way

What is the best method to get the Mongo generated ID of a document inserted via Java.


Also, if we setup a unique index, in the event that the object is a duplicate, will an ID be returned?



Generate the ObjectId early, use it in the insert, and there will no need to have the database return it to you. ObjectId doesn t use a shared sequence number to be unique, so it doesn t matter if you generate one before inserting or retrieve it after.

public ObjectId createThing() {
    ObjectId result = new ObjectId();
    BasicDBObject thingToInsert = new BasicDbObject();
    thingToInsert.put( _id , result);
    //set other fields here
    return result;

土 地 Mongo产生的迷魂药在全球是独一无二的,可以从多面应用中安全使用。

generated ObjectId can be obtained from the DbObject under _id key.

If inserted document violates a unique index constraint - java driver may throw an exception, depending on a value of WriteConcern:




I retrieve the document with _id but when I get the data into my java class eg mobile, _id attribute which is of type ObjectID me I change it set the value of the document in mongodb.

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