不使用Alt Tab 人工操作,我希望有一个纽托邦,它将启动下一个申请,使之为理由和重点。
还将有一个非模式的方言箱,在Excel VBA中加以编码,并围绕这一应用程序,如Microsoft Office的搜索方言箱。
All this functionality should be achieved in Excel VBA 2007.
不使用Alt Tab 人工操作,我希望有一个纽托邦,它将启动下一个申请,使之为理由和重点。
还将有一个非模式的方言箱,在Excel VBA中加以编码,并围绕这一应用程序,如Microsoft Office的搜索方言箱。
All this functionality should be achieved in Excel VBA 2007.
Later versions of Windows (starting with 2000) are somewhat stricter in activating other applications and forcing them to the front. See the Remarks section on the documentation of SetForegroundWindow.
For an Excel formula I need the first cell out of a list of cells which contains a numeric value: A | B | C | ... | Z | ----------------------------- | 0.1 | 0.4 | ... | =0.1 | | ...
I have a stored procedure that imports differently formatted workbooks into a database table, does work on them then drops the table. Here is the populating query. SELECT IDENTITY(INT,1,1) AS ID ...
The following code works. the connection opens fine but recordset.recordCount always returns -1 when there is data in the table. ANd If I try to call any methods/properties on recordset it crashes ...
I m using Application run to call several macros in order like this. Sub Run_All_Macros() Application.Run ("Macro_1") Application.Run ("Macro_1") End Sub When I start Run_All_Macros, all the ...
Does anyone know how to convert an Excel date to a correct Unix timestamp?
I am trying to import an excel file into a data table using GemBox and I keep getting this error: Invalid data value when extracting to DataTable at SourceRowIndex: 1, and SourceColumnIndex: 1. As ...
I am looking for any tips or resources on importing from excel into a SQL database, but specifically when the information is NOT in column and row format. I am currently doing some pre-development ...
I have created an Add-In in C# that implements user defined functions for Excel. These UDF s return immediately, but they control background asynchronous procedures. These procedures have status ...