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原标题:How to return false when chaining methods

我有一个使用方法链条的验证类别。 我愿通过<>t>TRUE/FALSE进行单项检查。

if ($obj->checkSomething()) {}

But also chain methods like this:

if ($obj->checkSomething()->checkSomethingElse()) {}


Fatal error: Call to a member function checkSomething() on a non-object in ...

Do I have to pick either single method return calls or method chaining or is there a workaround?


一种想法是建立内部国旗,以表明成功或失败,并通过另一种方法加以利用,同时在每种方法中核对这一旗帜,如果它有的话,则不做任何事情。 例如:

class A {
    private $valid = true;

    public function check1() {
        if (!$this->valid) {
            return $this;
        if (!/* do actual checking here */) {
            $this->valid = false;
        return $this;
    public function check2() {
        if (!$this->valid) {
            return $this;
        if (!/* do actual checking here */) {
            $this->valid = false;
        return $this;
    public function isValid() {
        return $this->valid;

// usage:

$a = new A();

if (!$a->check1()->check2()->isValid()) {
    echo "error";

为了尽量减少每项功能的碎块检查,你还可以使用灵丹妙药(<>条码/代码>。 例如:

class A {
    private $valid;
    public function __call($name, $args) {
        if ($this->valid) {
            $this->valid = call_user_func_array("do" . $name, $args);
        return $this;
    private function docheck1() {
        return /* do actual checking here, return true or false */;
    private function docheck2() {
        return /* do actual checking here, return true or false */;
    public isValid() {
        return $this->valid;


$a = new A();

if (!$a->check1()->check2()->isValid()) {
    echo "error";


e.g. if you have

class Validate {
    public function checkSomething($data) {
        if ($data === $valid) {
            return true;
        return false;
    public function checkSomethingElse($data) {
        if ($data === $valid) {
            return true;
        return false;


class ValidateChain extends Validate {
    protected $valid = true;

    public function checkSomething($data) {
        if (false === parent::checkSomething($data)) {
            $this->valid = false;
        return $this;
    public function checkSomethingElse($data) {
        if (false === parent::checkSomethingElse($data)) {
            $this->valid = false;
        return $this;
    public function getIsValid() {
        return $this->valid;

$v = new ValidationChain();
$valid = $v->checkSomething()->checkSomethingElse()->getIsValid();

Quick and dirty, E&OE。 或许需要增加一种方法,以找出哪一种轨道有效等。

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