I see that it s possible to call to some file (i.e. php,ashx) that contain the requested list. what is this file? how should look the list? where can i find additional data?
Alternativily (my prefered choice) I can use a fixed list in: From devbridge code:
lookup: [ January , February , March , April , May ]
代码: source: [“c++”、“java”、“php”、“coldfusion”、“javascript”、“asp”、“ruby”]
。but the problem is how to set this array not hardcoded - I tried:
var arr1 = [ January , Jania , February , March , April , May ]; var arr2 = []; for(var i=0;i<all_analysts.length;i++){ arr[i] = all_analysts[i]; alert(arr[i]);//////// } lookup: arr2 //local lookup values
but only when using hardcoded:
lookup: [ January , February , March , April , May ]
it works.