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jquery autocomplete - Defining the list
原标题:jquery autocomplete - defining the list


  1. I see that it s possible to call to some file (i.e. php,ashx) that contain the requested list. what is this file? how should look the list? where can i find additional data?

  2. Alternativily (my prefered choice) I can use a fixed list in: From devbridge code: lookup: [ January , February , March , April , May ]

    jquery-代码:source: [“c++”、“java”、“php”、“coldfusion”、“javascript”、“asp”、“ruby”]

    but the problem is how to set this array not hardcoded - I tried: var arr1 = [ January , Jania , February , March , April , May ]; var arr2 = []; for(var i=0;i<all_analysts.length;i++){ arr[i] = all_analysts[i]; alert(arr[i]);//////// } lookup: arr2 //local lookup values

    but only when using hardcoded:lookup: [ January , February , March , April , May ] it works.




关于您的第1 问题,请看这个例子:

As you can see, if source option is a string it is treated as url to which the ajax request will be made in order to get the list of data matching term inputed by user. Given url should return data in JSON format.

举例来说,如果你将提出“/确定”用户的源选择。 一旦用户将“mo”投入到投入领域,汽车植被就会提出亚克斯要求,以接下去:“/确定用户?term=mo”。 一旦用户输入另一封信(小册子说其“r”),将再次请求使用:“/find_users?term=mor”。


关于<<>秒的问题——在你的代码中有打字面——你(因为我不清楚)把所有电线的数值都列入arr变量,然后将arr2作为lookup参数值。 例arr2 这是一种空洞的阵e,因此按预期起作用。

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