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ASP 传统: 仅由有效char子组成的检查
原标题:ASP Classic: Check if string only consists of valid chars




So the string oifrmf9RWGEWRG3oi4m3ofm3mklwef-qæw should be invalid because of - and æ while the string joidsamfoiWRGWRGmoi34m3f should be valid.



set pw = new regexp
pw.global = true
pw.pattern = "[^a-zA-Z0-9]"

newstring = pw.replace("iownfiwefnoi3w4mtl3.-34ø 3", "")



http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/y32x2hy1%28v=vs.85%29.aspx”rel=“noreferer” 1. 真实或隐蔽

If( pw.Test("string") ) Then
   Do something
End If

Try -

Dim myRegExp, FoundMatch
Set myRegExp = New RegExp
myRegExp.Pattern = "[^a-zA-Z0-9]"
FoundMatch = myRegExp.Test("iownfiwefnoi3w4mtl3.-34ø 3")

如果<代码>FoundMatch 是真的,那么,RegEx发动机发现的特性不是z 或A-Z 或0-9 ,且你的舱位无效。


Set match = pw.execute("iownfiwefnoi3w4mtl3.-34ø 3")

if match.count > 0 then
     your pattern matched, so it s invalid
   badString = true
   badString = false
end if

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