English 中文(简体)
J Query animate supplemented through webkit, 2004,
原标题:JQuery animate enhanced through webkit, inconsistent

The following code controls a function for sliding various items across a bar. It is using a plugin called JQuery animate enhanced that uses CSS3 where possible on supporting browsers.

没有CSS3,这一职能就完全运作。 然而,一旦选定了所有表格,便会与CSS3合作。



$(document).ready(function () {
    var bounceholder = 0;
    var delayact = 0;
    $( .bouncetabs a ).click(function () {
        $( .bouncetabs a ).removeClass( active );
        $(this).addClass( active );

        if ($(this).index( .bouncetabs a ) < bounceholder) {
            var backwards = 1
        } else {
            var backwards = 0

        bounceholder = $(this).index( .bouncetabs a );
        var bounceoffset = 0;

        if ($( .bounceholder ul:eq(  + bounceholder +  ) li ).length == 6) {
            var bounceoffset = 0;
        } else if ($( .bounceholder ul:eq(  + bounceholder +  ) li ).length == 5) {
            var bounceoffset = 72;
        } else if ($( .bounceholder ul:eq(  + bounceholder +  ) li ).length == 4) {
            var bounceoffset = 144;
        } else if ($( .bounceholder ul:eq(  + bounceholder +  ) li ).length == 3) {
            var bounceoffset = 216;
        } else if ($( .bounceholder ul:eq(  + bounceholder +  ) li ).length == 2) {
            var bounceoffset = 288;

        $( .bounceholder ul:eq(  + bounceholder +  ) ).prevAll().each(function () {
            $( li , this).each(function () {
                    left: -200,
                    top: 0,
                    leaveTransforms: true
                }, {
                    duration: 400,
                    queue: true
        $( .bounceholder ul:eq(  + bounceholder +  ) ).nextAll().each(function () {
            $( li , this).each(function () {
                    left: +1000,
                    top: 0,
                    leaveTransforms: true
                }, 600);

        if (backwards == 1) {
            bounceoffset = 800 - bounceoffset;
            $($( .bounceholder ul:eq(  + bounceholder +  ) li ).get().reverse()).each(function (i) {
                delay = (i + 1) * 100;
                    left: +bounceoffset,
                    top: 0,
                    opacity: 0.6,
                    leaveTransforms: true
                }, {
                    duration: 400,
                    queue: true
                bounceoffset -= 160;
        } else {
            $( .bounceholder ul:eq(  + bounceholder +  ) li ).each(function (i) {
                delay = (i + 1) * (100 * delayact);
                    left: +bounceoffset,
                    top: 0,
                    opacity: 0.6,
                    leaveTransforms: true
                }, {
                    duration: 400,
                    queue: true
                bounceoffset += 160;
        delayact = 1;

        return false


The best way to deal with hardware acceleration currently is using a combination of CSS3 transition for -moz-translate, -webkit-translate and -webkit-translate3d and jQuery animate. My personal experience with the above mentioned tool is rather bad. It caused multiple errors on my pages.

Also set translateZ(0px) for all elements you want to move as translate3d is only used for safari and chrome (enables hardware acceleration)

这里需要一开始。 你们必须增加浏览器的检查,使之发挥作用。

if(browser.isFF) {
    function moveDOM(jQueryObj,x,y) { 
        jQueryObj[0].style.cssText +=  -moz-transform:translate( +x+ px, +y+ px); ; 
    } // firefox does not know translate3d
} else if(browser.isAndroid) {
    function moveDOM(jQueryObj,x,y) {
        jQueryObj[0].style.cssText +=  -webkit-transform:translate( +x+ px, +y+ px); ;
    } // most Android version currently don t know translate3d (U could add checks for the Android versions though -> caniuse.com
} else if(browser.isSafari || browser.isChrome) {
    function moveDOM(jQueryObj,x,y) {
        jQueryObj[0].style.cssText +=  -webkit-transform:translate3d( +x+ px, +y+ px,0px); ;
} else { // ie opera, others
    function moveDOM(jQueryObj,x,y) { 
        jQueryObj.animate({ left :x, top :y},500); 

// example run of the function, moving the element with the id myDiv to position (50,90)


-webkit-transition: all 0.5s ease; -moz-transition: all 0.5s ease;

PS:在4起案件中,有3起案件中,有3起使用了不实的JA而不是j Query s.cs() functoin? 它只是更快的。 如果你想进一步加快速度,将+=改为+=,但超出任何其他条件,你可能会增加。

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