English 中文(简体)
原标题:Problems w/ Graph API

This is my first post here, so forgive me for stupid questioning or describing my problem not „the programmer s way“. :-)

I ve added Facebook comments to my Wordpress blog. Now, I posted a test comment with another Facebook profile than the one I used to create the app.

Voila, 评论见该网址的图表。 工作良好。


Is there any cache for deleted comments!? How can I fix that?

我知道这一点很重要,因为我想说一场比赛。 用户必须通过“Facebook”评论箱在图片上添加字句。

It doesn t give me any benefit, if comments that have been deleted will remain in the Graph API.

任何解决办法? 你们还需要知道我谈论什么?




你可以删除评论,这种说法有点坏。 你们可以做的是从其他用户那里藏匿。 每一个用户,如果是用户的朋友,公布删除评论意见,也可看到评论和用户本身(在实际的纸浆评论箱中)。

此外,在图表中还将有! 推进言论自由的故事!

如果你删除内容的话,它就象对人们的公平竞争一样是站不住脚的,因为他们可能感到受到反对,那么任何人也不会有同样的机会。 一种能够适当核准评论/资本的制度将更有意义。 See Diskus for example.

If you wanna have the facebook comments social advertising boost though you could write all comments from the graph api into a database and then approve them manually. Another way would be just to tell users to subscribe/like your facebook page to see who s winning or to be able to win at all. Good luck



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