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ICT inapp-purchase received: What does it look as?
原标题:iOS in-app-purchase receipt: what does it look like?
  • 时间:2011-10-28 05:45:23
  •  标签:
  • ios
  • storekit


我曾试图用安全记录仪接收,但当时正在打破 Apple果测试用户系统。 是否有任何人有这样的榜样?


这是我收到的信息(出于安全目的,一些 st子被拆除)

"latest_receipt_info" =     {
    bvrs = "1.0";
    "expires_date" = 1321356708000;
    "expires_date_formatted" = "2011-11-15 11:31:48 Etc/GMT";
    "item_id" = SOMEIDGOESHERE;
    "original_purchase_date" = "2011-11-15 11:21:40 Etc/GMT";
    "original_transaction_id" = SOMENUMERICCODE;
    "product_id" = SOMEPRODUCTID;
    "purchase_date" = "2011-11-15 11:26:48 Etc/GMT";
    quantity = 1;
    "transaction_id" = SOMENUMERICCODE;
receipt =     {
    bid = "YOURBIDHERE";
    bvrs = "1.0";
    "expires_date" = 1321356398234;
    "expires_date_formatted" = "2011-11-15 11:26:38 Etc/GMT";
    "item_id" = SOMEIDGOESHERE;
    "original_purchase_date" = "2011-11-15 11:21:40 Etc/GMT";
    "original_transaction_id" = SOMENUMERICCODE;
    "product_id" = SOMEPRODUCTID;
    "purchase_date" = "2011-11-15 11:21:38 Etc/GMT";
    quantity = 1;
    "transaction_id" = SOMENUMERICCODE;



SKPaymentTransaction *transaction;
// state of transaction:
int state = transaction.transactionState; // can be equal to SKPaymentTransactionStatePurchasing || SKPaymentTransactionStateFailed || SKPaymentTransactionStatePurchased || SKPaymentTransactionStateRestored
// corresponding product id
NSString *prId = transaction.payment.productIdentifier;

详情见:rel=“nofollow”>SKPayment Transaction

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