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查阅文件 使用Mongoose
原标题:Can t find documents searching by ObjectId using Mongoose
  Campaign.find {client_id:req.param( client_id )}, (error, campaigns) ->
    if error
      response =
        error: error.message
      for campaign in campaigns
        query =
          campaign_id: campaign._id
        console.log query
        CampaignResponse.find query, (err, campaignResponsesCount) ->
          console.log campaignResponsesCount

      response = campaigns

    res.json response

由于某种原因,这一回报no结果。 但是,<代码>CampaignResponse中有具体项目campaign._id。 我确信,这是一个涉及类型和投放的问题,但我可以指出需要做些什么。




  • Try running the same query from mongodb at the command line, see if you get any results.
  • Is the "campaign_id" defined as an ObjectId in your schema? If so, try searching using the ObjectId type.


var ObjectId = require( mongoose ).Types.ObjectId; 
var query = { campaign_id: new ObjectId(campaign._id) };


String.prototype.toObjectId = function() {
  var ObjectId = (require( mongoose ).Types.ObjectId);
  return new ObjectId(this.toString());

// Every String can be casted in ObjectId now
console.log( 545f489dea12346454ae793b .toObjectId());


Campaign.findById{req.param(客户_id ),Function(err,docs)}....

当用物体找到docs时 Id a Id是最有效的方法......

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