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原标题:How to select second record after first from mysql base
  • 时间:2011-10-24 18:40:21
  •  标签:
  • php
  • mysql
1. p1 | cat   | mause
2. p2 | mause | cat

Hello, I d like to select 2 records form database with condition. My query:

SELECT * FROM mytable 
WHERE (p1 LIKE cat OR p2 LIKE cat) AND (p1 LIKE mause OR p2 LIKE mause)



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如下: 我在数据库中表格的例子。 所有记录都作为VARCHAR被淡化。 我必须写上链接,因为我对 st流的声望很低,我可以在这里打下形象。


我想选择从拉斯维加斯到芝加哥的路线。 但是,当我这样问:

    SELECT * FROM mytable 
WHERE (station1 LIKE Las Vegas OR station2 LIKE Las Vegas OR station3 LIKE Las Vegas) AND (station1 LIKE Chicago OR station2 LIKE Chicago OR station3 LIKE Chicago)

它将选择所有包含Las Vegas和芝加哥的行文,但我不想选择芝加哥首先在数据库中的位置。 我只想选择Las Vegas在坐桌前在芝加哥的这条路线。 因此,这只是第一行“第一行”。

在“Las Vegas”号站(Las Vegas号站,第3号,芝加哥站2号)之后,我不想,第3行也是如此。



我不敢理解你的含义,但我猜想! 这是否是:

  FROM myTable
    WHERE (station1 LIKE  %Las Vegas%  AND (
               station2 LIKE  %Chicago%  OR
               station3 LIKE  %Chicago%  OR
               station4 LIKE  %Chicago%  OR
               station5 LIKE  %Chicago% )
          ) OR
          (station2 LIKE  %Las Vegas%  AND (
               station3 LIKE  %Chicago%  OR
               station4 LIKE  %Chicago%  OR
               station5 LIKE  %Chicago% )
          ) OR
          (station3 LIKE  %Las Vegas%  AND (
               station4 LIKE  %Chicago%  OR
               station5 LIKE  %Chicago% )
          ) OR
          (station4 LIKE  %Las Vegas%  AND (
               station5 LIKE  %Chicago% )

为了产生这种编号<代码>。 鉴于:

$arr_sta = array( station1 ,  station2 ,  station3 ,  station4 );
$nbstations = count($arr_sta);
$where =   ;
for($i=0; $i<$nbstations-1; $i++) {
    $where .= $where ?   OR (  :   WHERE ( ;
    $where .= $arr_sta[$i] . " LIKE  %Las Vegas% ";
    $where2 =   ;
    for($j=$i+1; $j<$nbstations; $j++) {
        $where2 .= $where2 ?   OR   :   AND ( ;
        $where2 .= $arr_sta[$j] . " LIKE  %Chicago% ";
    if ($where2) $where .= $where2 .  ) ;
    $where .=  ) ;

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