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除了 la以外,还有很好的理由不使用<?=重复购买力平价变量? [复制]
原标题:Apart from it being lazy is there a good reason not use <?= to echo PHP variables? [duplicate]
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Closed 11 years ago.

Possible Duplicate:
What is the difference between the PHP open tags “<?=” and “<?php”/“<?”?


<?php echo $foo; ?>

I have seen it written

<?= $foo; ?>

但我常常想知道,这样做的风险/做法是什么? 公正。 感谢!


如果您将守则移至short_ open_tag的环境。 凭空,你可以找到许多内部变量名称(安全问题),并拥有大量受损产出。

另一边是,允许使用<代码><的相同术语? 同样,让你打开只有<代码><的PHP标签;,从而使其残疾不仅会暴露你试图展示的具体变量,而且会在短标内显示任何PHP代码。


第二种选择提高了可读性。 第一项确保了其他系统的可运输性。


它不可运输。 有一个预设结构,可以将其撤销,这样,如果你把手稿移至残疾地点,就会打破。

此外,我认为,这不够明确。 <代码><?= func() ?> and <? func();?>易于误解,但很重要。

You can only use <? and <?= if short tags are enabled when you are running PHP. The actual reason not to use it is because it s incompatible with an xml declaration. If you are trying to output xml with a php extension and you have short tags enabled, you have to do something like <<??>? .. I suppose you can just echo a string.


There is ALWAYS a portability issue.
There can be no apache - so, don t use mod_rewrite.
There can be no PDO - so, don t use prepared statements.
There can be no mysql - so, don t use complex queries.
There can be no PHP - so, plain HTML is most compatible format, never use anything else because of portability issues!

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