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Magento Save And Next
原标题:Magento Save And Next

For my company I m working on a custom translation module for Magento. On the form for translating an existing string, I would like to change the behaviour of the "Save And Continue"-button to a "Save And Next"-button. With which I mean that instead of still editing thesame string, you get the next one in line.


[save-link] + "/back/edit/"

[save-link] + "/back/edit/id/[id]/"

但没有结果。 我希望有人能够把我置于正确的方向。



class Phpro_Advancedtranslate_Block_Adminhtml_Edit extends Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Widget_Form_Container
    public function __construct()

        $this->_objectId =  id ;
        $this->_blockGroup =  advancedtranslate ;
        $this->_controller =  adminhtml ;

        $this->_updateButton( save ,  label , Mage::helper( advancedtranslate )->__( Save Item ));
        $this->_updateButton( delete ,  label , Mage::helper( advancedtranslate )->__( Delete Item ));

        $this->_addButton( saveandcontinue , array(
             label      => Mage::helper( adminhtml )->__( Save And Next ),
             onclick    =>  saveAndContinueEdit() ,
             class      =>  save ,
        ), -100);

        $currentId = Mage::getSIngleton( adminhtml/session )->getTranslateId();
        $strings = Mage::getModel("advancedtranslate/advancedtranslate")->getCollection();
        foreach ($strings as $string) {
            $id = $string->getId();

            if ($id != $currentId && $id < $nextId) {
                $nextId = $id;

        $this->_formScripts[] = "
            function toggleEditor() {
                if (tinyMCE.getInstanceById( advancedtranslate_content ) == null) {
                    tinyMCE.execCommand( mceAddControl , false,  advancedtranslate_content );
                } else {
                    tinyMCE.execCommand( mceRemoveControl , false,  advancedtranslate_content );

            function saveAndContinueEdit(){
                editForm.submit($( edit_form ).action+ back/edit/ );

    public function getHeaderText()
        return Mage::helper( advancedtranslate )->__("Edit Item  %s ",  test );


这一功能必须在处理该员额的管理人员中实现。 将“直接”改为下一个项目。



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