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原标题:how can I change the header logo to link to an external website in magento?


我们的客户需要其Magento网站的头顶标志,以便他进入另一个网站(不同领域)。 我试图改变头脑。 页: 1

what I want is simply to navigate to www.otherdomain.com



http:// like

http://www.otherdomain.com“rel=“nofollow”http://www.otherdomain.com。 页: 1


You will want to change the link in the image to go to the appropriate location.

I believe the file should be located in:


就在另一起案件中,有人在上文点名的档案中找到答案,看上线105(v1.9.2) -

增 编如下:

<h1 category=“logo”><strong par=“no-display”><?php re$s->getLogoAlt() ?></strong><a href=”http://URL.COM”职称=<php re$s->getLogoAlt()?> 类别=“logo”&t; sgrc=&t;php?

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