English 中文(简体)
原标题:Forward declarations that involve std::vector, etc

我已经用了许多先期声明;这些声明有助于避免许多<条码>,即:pinclude,改进汇编时间,而不是什么。 但是,如果想向标准图书馆宣布一个班子的话?

// Prototype of my function - i don t want to include <vector> to declare it!
int DoStuff(const std::vector<int>& thingies);

我听说,禁止/不可能提前申报<代码>std:vector。 如今,


class VectorOfNumbers; // this class acts like std::vector<int>
int DoStuff(const VectorOfNumbers& thingies);


// Implementation, in some other file
#include <vector>
class VectorOfNumbers: public std::vector<int>
    // Define the constructors - annoying in C++03, easy in C++11

int DoStuff(const VectorOfNumbers& thingies)


这种技术是否有重大缺点? 能够提前申报<条码>查询/代码>的好处是否大于?



const std::vector<int>& a = a_3rd_party_lib::get_data(); // this type is out of your control
DoStuff(a); // you cannot pass it to this function! 

If you ever delete a VectorOfNumbers as a std::vector<int> (and since you used public inheritance this conversion is implicit) you ve entered the realm of undefined behavior. This is probably more likely to accidentally happen than one might suspect.

我从未在需要时看到过从仅包括<代码> vector<>/code”在内的大量汇编减速,但如果你真的想要孤立其中的话,则使用用户的APIC界面,而该接口对集装箱的基本类型(vector)和皮条(vector<>/code>)都知道。

页: 1 <代码><vector>的头盔将建立起来,以防止出现多重包容,因此,你只把需要列入任何地方。

这对一个班子的接口来说是好的,但不是执行。 1. 如果您的班级有<条码>,即。 页: 1

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