我有一个客户为其业务发行网上杂志。 他想在目前的公司网站上增加一个像纽芬兰语(为杂志的狂热页)的面像,并请用户也这样做,以便带上杂志网站。 是否能够做到这一点? 这种做法是否有缺点? 例如,同一用户在希望进入杂志网站时,必须同它一样?
Thank you for any suggestion, I m pretty new to facebook.
我有一个客户为其业务发行网上杂志。 他想在目前的公司网站上增加一个像纽芬兰语(为杂志的狂热页)的面像,并请用户也这样做,以便带上杂志网站。 是否能够做到这一点? 这种做法是否有缺点? 例如,同一用户在希望进入杂志网站时,必须同它一样?
Thank you for any suggestion, I m pretty new to facebook.
您可以将用户用Javascript SDK和FB点击等纽子。 页: 1
FB.Event.subscribe( edge.create , function(response) {
window.parent.location = http://www.google.com ;
边缘。 当用户喜欢一页上的东西时,就叫作制造。
If there are multiple like buttons on the page you could use an if statement with the response to make sure the page only redirects for a particular like button
这里是一部完整的javascript 和一部类似的纽芬兰文
<div id="fb-root"></div>
window.fbAsyncInit = function() {
appId : YOUR_APP_ID , // App ID
status : true, // check login status
cookie : true, // enable cookies to allow the server to access the session
oauth : true, // enable OAuth 2.0
xfbml : true // parse XFBML
FB.Event.subscribe( edge.create , function(response) {
window.parent.location = http://www.google.com ;
// Load the SDK Asynchronously
var js, id = facebook-jssdk ; if (d.getElementById(id)) {return;}
js = d.createElement( script ); js.id = id; js.async = true;
js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/<?php if(isset($fb_user[ locale ])){echo $fb_user[ locale ];}else{echo en_US ;}?>/all.js";
d.getElementsByTagName( head )[0].appendChild(js);
<fb:like href="http://www.google.com" send="false" width="450" show_faces="true"></fb:like>
I m writing a simple splash page for a client to hold a like box widget: <iframe src="http://www.facebook.com/plugins/likebox.php?id=***********&width=238&connections=4&...
Does anyone know of how to capture from Facebook analytics around the use of the "like" button--i.e., if I ve got thousands of pages with the Like button on them, how to query Facebook to see how many ...
I m integrating the Facebook Like Button into a site. The likeing functionality is working fine except that you cannot add comments to your like after you ve clicked the like button. Several sites ...
Does anyone know how I would include a facbeook "like button" in an iphone app. I tried calling the iframe inside of a UIWebView but that doesn t work.
My one web page uses Ajax to display information about multiple activities. I d like to have one Like button per activity. This would mean multiple Like buttons on the page, one per activity. Can ...
writing my first facebook webapp and i have some questions. I m using their new Graph API + JS library. The idea is that in order to use my webapp, user has to Like facebook page A. Suppose user ...
How do I add a FaceBook like button to my master pages, does it need to be different for each page?
Im trying to implemet Facebook Like with OpenGraph and Im getting weird error: You must specify an URL as part of this widget or API. I added Open Graph protocol to meta tags, added < fb:like> ...