I wanted to ask if its possible to do a Select Menu (DropDown) in Discord.JS v12 I would be really happy is someone knows a solution.
I wanted to ask if its possible to do a Select Menu (DropDown) in Discord.JS v12 I would be really happy is someone knows a solution.
v12 甚至有互动支持,因此不可能,也永远不可能。 你本应该更新到图书馆的最新版本。
ReferenceError: Discord is not defined at Object.<anonymous> (/home/runner/testing-a-bot/index.js:2:16) at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1159:14) I was attempting to create a ...
Trying to create a external schedule event. Here is my function that causes the error. Error [GuildVoiceChannelResolve]: Could not resolve channel to a guild voice channel async function ...
I m trying to make a series of 3 modals that ask the user questions, but when creating the modals it throws this error. ValidationError: Expected the value to be a string or number at ...
index.js const { Client } = require( discord.js ); const Client = (module.exports = new Client({ intents: [131071] })); const dotenv = require( dotenv ); dotenv.config(); Client.login(process.env....
I know that this question has been asked for discord.py, but couldn t find a discord.js one Currently I m working on a small Discord Bot, and I would like to make it with possible that it can be used ...
I am trying to learn how to use the / command system in Discord.js, however, following the Discord.js guide results in the following error: Error: ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir This is with the ...
I am trying to have get my Discord bot send a message to another channel when when there is more than one item in the response, write a message to another channel (on the same server). This code is ...
I want my bot to respond once to a command such as .on. However, it responds multiple times per input: The code is: client.on( message , message =>{ if(message.content === .on ){ ...