English 中文(简体)
邮局15.4 jsonb_to_recordset and jsonb_populate_recordset
原标题:A strange problem with PostgreSQL 15.4 jsonb_to_recordset and jsonb_populate_recordset

I have a postgresql function that takes a number of parameters, the last of which is jsonb. It s called with the following value of parameters (double quotes due to postgres diagnostic output):

SELECT vspm.rfd_add_f
  , $2::bigint
  , $3::bigint
  , $4::timestamptz
  , $5::timestamptz
  , $6::bigint
  , $7::bigint
  , $8::text
  , $9::text
  , $10::timestamptz
  , $11::text
  , $12::jsonb
","parameters: $1 = NULL, $2 =  1 , $3 =  18014398509482060 , $4 = NULL, $5 = NULL, $6 =  18014398509484942 , $7 =  18014398509482082 , $8 = NULL, $9 = NULL, $10 = NULL, $11 = NULL, $12 =  [{""id"":null,""modUserId"":null,""validFrom"":null,""validTo"":null,""clientId"":null,""client"":null,""rfdId"":null,""rfd"":null,""rfdNumber"":null,""rfdDate"":null,""managerId"":null,""manager"":null,""estimateId"":null,""estimate"":null,""productionNeedId"":""18014398509489518"",""quantity"":""111000000"",""sortOrder"":null,""wantedDeliveryDate"":""2023-12-11T18:00:00Z"",""objectId"":null,""object"":null,""section"":null,""nomenclatureId"":null,""nomenclature"":null,""muId"":null,""mu"":null,""remarks"":null},{""id"":null,""modUserId"":null,""validFrom"":null,""validTo"":null,""clientId"":null,""client"":null,""rfdId"":null,""rfd"":null,""rfdNumber"":null,""rfdDate"":null,""managerId"":null,""manager"":null,""estimateId"":null,""estimate"":null,""productionNeedId"":""18014398509489524"",""quantity"":""222000000"",""sortOrder"":null,""wantedDeliveryDate"":""2023-12-12T18:00:00Z"",""objectId"":null,""object"":null,""section"":null,""nomenclatureId"":null,""nomenclature"":null,""muId"":null,""mu"":null,""remarks"":null},{""id"":null,""modUserId"":null,""validFrom"":null,""validTo"":null,""clientId"":null,""client"":null,""rfdId"":null,""rfd"":null,""rfdNumber"":null,""rfdDate"":null,""managerId"":null,""manager"":null,""estimateId"":null,""estimate"":null,""productionNeedId"":""18014398509489530"",""quantity"":""333000000"",""sortOrder"":null,""wantedDeliveryDate"":""2023-12-13T18:00:00Z"",""objectId"":null,""object"":null,""section"":null,""nomenclatureId"":null,""nomenclature"":null,""muId"":null,""mu"":null,""remarks"":null}] ",,,,,,,,"PostgreSQL JDBC Driver","client backend",,0


        "productionNeedId": "18014398509489518"
        , "quantity": "111000000"
        , "wantedDeliveryDate": "2023-12-11T21:00:00+03:00"
    , {
        "productionNeedId": "18014398509489524"
        , "quantity": "222000000"
        , "wantedDeliveryDate": "2023-12-12T21:00:00+03:00"
    , {
        "productionNeedId": "18014398509489530"
        , "quantity": "333000000"
        , "wantedDeliveryDate": "2023-12-13T21:00:00+03:00"


RAISE LOG  ==> rfditem_add_many_f: json quantity = %, productionNeedId = %, wantedDeliveryDate = % 
  , (pitems::jsonb->0)::jsonb->> quantity 
  , (pitems::jsonb->0)::jsonb->> productionNeedId 
  , (pitems::jsonb->0)::jsonb->> wantedDeliveryDate 
RAISE LOG  ==> rfditem_add_many_f: json quantity = %, productionNeedId = %, wantedDeliveryDate = %   
  , (pitems::jsonb->1)::jsonb->> quantity 
  , (pitems::jsonb->1)::jsonb->> productionNeedId 
  , (pitems::jsonb->1)::jsonb->> wantedDeliveryDate 
RAISE LOG  ==> rfditem_add_many_f: json quantity = %, productionNeedId = %, wantedDeliveryDate = %   
  , (pitems::jsonb->2)::jsonb->> quantity   
  , (pitems::jsonb->2)::jsonb->> productionNeedId 
  , (pitems::jsonb->2)::jsonb->> wantedDeliveryDate 


"==> rfditem_add_many_f: json quantity = 111000000, productionNeedId = 18014398509489518, wantedDeliveryDate = 2023-12-11T18:00:00Z",,,,,"PL/pgSQL function rfditem_add_many_f(bigint,bigint,timestamp with time zone,timestamp with time zone,bigint,timestamp with time zone,text,jsonb) line 20 at RAISE

"==> rfditem_add_many_f: json quantity = 222000000, productionNeedId = 18014398509489524, wantedDeliveryDate = 2023-12-12T18:00:00Z ",,,,,"PL/pgSQL function rfditem_add_many_f(bigint,bigint,timestamp with time zone,timestamp with time zone,bigint,timestamp with time zone,text,jsonb) line 25 at RAISE

"==> rfditem_add_many_f: json quantity = 333000000, productionNeedId = 18014398509489530, wantedDeliveryDate = 2023-12-13T18:00:00Z ",,,,,"PL/pgSQL function rfditem_add_many_f(bigint,bigint,timestamp with time zone,timestamp with time zone,bigint,timestamp with time zone,text,jsonb) line 30 at RAISE

But when I further try to process this jsonb with the jsonb_to_recordset function, the values of fields productionNeedId 以及 wantedDeliveryDate are not found.

FOR lrecord IN
    id, moduserId, validFrom, validTo, clientId, rfdId, productionNeedId, quantity, sortOrder, wantedDeliveryDate, remarks
  FROM jsonb_to_recordset(pitems) AS (id bigint, moduserId bigint, validFrom timestamptz, validTo timestamptz, clientId bigint, rfdId bigint, productionNeedId bigint, quantity bigint, sortOrder int, wantedDeliveryDate timestamptz, remarks text)
      RAISE LOG  ==> rfditem_add_many_f read : validFrom = %, validTo = %, clientid = %, rfdId = %, productionNeedId = %, quantity = %, sortOrder = %, wantedDeliveryDate = %, remarks = % 
        , coalesce(lrecord.validFrom,  1900-01-01 ::timestamptz)
        , coalesce(lrecord.validTo,  1900-01-01 ::timestamptz)
        , coalesce(lrecord.clientId, -1)
        , coalesce(lrecord.rfdId, -1)
        , coalesce(lrecord.productionNeedId, -1)
        , coalesce(lrecord.quantity, -1)
        , coalesce(lrecord.sortOrder, -1)
        , coalesce(lrecord.wantedDeliveryDate,  1900-01-01 ::timestamptz)
        , coalesce(lrecord.remarks,   )

"==> rfditem_add_many_f read : validFrom = 1900-01-01 00:00:00+02:30:17, validTo = 1900-01-01 00:00:00+02:30:17, clientid = -1, rfdId = -1, productionNeedId = -1, quantity = 111000000, sortOrder = -1, wantedDeliveryDate = 1900-01-01 00:00:00+02:30:17, remarks = "



FOR lrecord IN
    validFrom, validTo, clientId, rfdId, productionNeedId, quantity, sortOrder, wantedDeliveryDate, remarks
  FROM jsonb_populate_recordset(null::rfditem_type, pitems)


CREATE TYPE rfditem_type AS
  id                    bigint

  , moduserId           bigint
  , validFrom           timestamptz
  , validTo             timestamptz

  , clientId            bigint

  , rfdId               bigint
  , productionNeedId    bigint
  , quantity            bigint

  , sortOrder           integer

  , wantedDeliveryDate  timestamptz

  , remarks             text


"==> rfditem_add_many_f read : validFrom = 1900-01-01 00:00:00+02:30:17, validTo = 1900-01-01 00:00:00+02:30:17, clientid = -1, rfdId = 111000000, productionNeedId = -1, quantity = -1, sortOrder = -1, wantedDeliveryDate = 1900-01-01 00:00:00+02:30:17, remarks = "

"==> rfditem_add_many_f read : validFrom = 1900-01-01 00:00:00+02:30:17, validTo = 1900-01-01 00:00:00+02:30:17, clientid = -1, rfdId = 222000000, productionNeedId = -1, quantity = -1, sortOrder = -1, wantedDeliveryDate = 1900-01-01 00:00:00+02:30:17, remarks = "
"==> rfditem_add_many_f read : validFrom = 1900-01-01 00:00:00+02:30:17, validTo = 1900-01-01 00:00:00+02:30:17, clientid = -1, rfdId = 333000000, productionNeedId = -1, quantity = -1, sortOrder = -1, wantedDeliveryDate = 1900-01-01 00:00:00+02:30:17, remarks = "

数量值被分配到 r 在Id领域,其他领域没有签署。


FOR lrecord IN
  SELECT * from jsonb_populate_recordset(null::rfditem_type, pitems)


"==> rfditem_add_many_f read : validFrom = 1900-01-01 00:00:00+02:30:17, validTo = 1900-01-01 00:00:00+02:30:17, clientid = -1, rfdId = -1, productionNeedId = -1, quantity = 111000000, sortOrder = -1, wantedDeliveryDate = 1900-01-01 00:00:00+02:30:17, remarks = "

that is, the value for the quantity field was assigned correctly, but the fields productionNeedId 以及 wantedDeliveryDate were not found

我的想法是,这可能是由于外地名称中的信件的不同情况,但为什么在诊断产出中一切都正确发挥作用? (我确信,在编辑背书之前就是这种情况。)


是的,这几乎肯定是由于不同的搭车。 当你不引用你的识别资料时,邮政局将这些人视为较低者,因此不会发现他们。 使用<代码>->>,将财产名称作为示意图,没有问题。


FOR lrecord IN
  FROM jsonb_to_recordset(pitems) AS ("id" bigint, "moduserId" bigint, "validFrom" timestamptz, "validTo" timestamptz, "clientId" bigint, "rfdId" bigint, "productionNeedId" bigint, "quantity" bigint, "sortOrder" int, "wantedDeliveryDate" timestamptz, "remarks" text)
  RAISE LOG  ==> rfditem_add_many_f read : validFrom = %, validTo = %, clientid = %, rfdId = %, productionNeedId = %, quantity = %, sortOrder = %, wantedDeliveryDate = %, remarks = % 
    , coalesce(lrecord."validFrom",  1900-01-01 ::timestamptz)
    , coalesce(lrecord."validTo",  1900-01-01 ::timestamptz)
    , coalesce(lrecord."clientId", -1)
    , coalesce(lrecord."rfdId", -1)
    , coalesce(lrecord."productionNeedId", -1)
    , coalesce(lrecord."quantity", -1)
    , coalesce(lrecord."sortOrder", -1)
    , coalesce(lrecord."wantedDeliveryDate",  1900-01-01 ::timestamptz)
    , coalesce(lrecord."remarks",   )

是的,在json房地产名称的情况下,问题无疑是存在的。 在对背景进行重新设计并只在较低的情况下开始移交这些名字之后,所有工作都是有效的。

I would like to wish the Postgresql team greater consistency in functions and operators for working with json. If the properties in the first diagnostic output ((pitems::jsonb->0)::jsonb->> productionNeedId ) were not located in the same way as subsequently in the functions jsonb_to_recordset and jsonb_populate_recordset, the problem would have been identified and solved much earlier


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