English 中文(简体)
• 如何在RichFaces有活力地重新雇用工人
原标题:how to get work rerendering elements with dynamicaly id in RichFaces


    <a4j:repeat value="#{tdController.cu.esaDoutCUConsigment.esaDoutCUDepartureArrivalTransport.transportMeans}" var="transportMean" rowKeyVar="idx">
                    <rich:autocomplete id="transportMeansInactiveCountry#{idx}" mode="cachedAjax"
                                       minChars="1" layout="grid"
                                       var="country" fetchValue="#{country.code}" width="50px"
                                       immediate="true" autofill="true"
                        <h:outputFormat value="{0}({1})">
                            <f:param value="#{country.name}"/>
                            <f:param value="#{country.code}"/>

                        <a4j:ajax event="selectitem" execute="@this"
                    <h:outputText id="transportMeansInactiveCountryCode#{idx}"
                                  value="#{transportMean.country.name}" style="margin-left:5px"/>

a 4j:repeat loop i m establishing idactiveally,在id=“transportMeans InactiveCountryCode#{idx}”后添加了浏览指数。

但是,如果以这种方式确定婴儿,则以“回升”的方式重新接纳精英,“流动Means InactiveCountryCode#{idx}”则不作工作。



I think you have to remove the index from the ID attribute. Its auto generated with index for you.

to check this, run your page then view the page HTML source. you will find that the component id is like <form_name>-<id>-<index> Note: try to enclose your aj:repeat in side a

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