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B. 储蓄现状 页: 1
原标题:Save current Google Map view as an image

我有一个有某些地址的数据库。 每个地址的地图观点不同。


 <img src= http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/staticmap?center=<?php echo 
 $MyAddress?>CA&zoom=14&size=500x500&markers=<?php echo $myAddress?>&sensor=false  alt=  />

The center is where the map will be centered. The markers is the address you want so i put center=markers. Zoom is how close you want to zoom in the map Size the size you want of the picture. Take a look here http://code.google.com/intl/el-GR/apis/maps/documentation/staticmaps/



public static function getGoogleMapImage($params = array(), $saveTo = null, $https = true){
        //set default parameters
        if(!isset($params[ markers ])){
            $params[ center ] = isset($params[ center ]) ? $params[ center ] : 0;
            $params[ zoom ] = isset($params[ zoom ]) ? $params[ zoom ] : 0;
        $params[ size ] = isset($params[ size ]) ? $params[ size ] :  200x200 ;
        $params[ sensor ] = isset($params[ sensor ]) ? $params[ sensor ] :  false ;

        foreach($params as $name => $value){
            $paramString.=$name .  =  . urlencode($value) .  & ;
        $paramString = trim($paramString,  & );

        $httpPrefix = $https ?  https://  :  http:// ;
        $imageUrl = $httpPrefix .  maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/staticmap?  . $paramString;

        if(!$saveTo){ //if you don t want to save image, just to display it
            return $imageUrl;

        if(isset($params[ format ])){
            switch($params[ format ]){
                case  png8 : $imgExt =  .png ; break; 
                case  gif : $imgExt =  .gif ; break; 
                case  jpg : $imgExt =  .jpg ; break; 
                case  jpg-baseline : $imgExt =  .jpg ; break; 
                default: $imgExt =  .png ;
            $imgExt =  .png ;

        $saveTo = preg_replace("/\.[^.\s]{3,4}$/", "", $saveTo) . $imgExt; //in case requested file extension and provided in $saveTo don t match

        if(self::getImage($imageUrl, $saveTo)){
            return realpath($saveTo);

        return false;

I used curl call for getting images from created $imageUrl

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