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原标题:"Unknown error" in my Chrome extension

我写信(或试图写上)是我的第一次 Chrome延,我无法指出我所看到的这一错误。 我的背景守则

<!DOCTYPE html>

    console.log( works? );

    chrome.tabs.executeScript(null, {code:"document.body.style.fontSize = 20"});

    console.log( print again );


When I try to run this extension I get the error: Error during tabs.executeScript: Unknown error. extensions/extension process bindings.js:85

Does anyone have any idea what this could possibly be or how to fix it? I get no error when I do not include the line chrome.tabs.executeScript, and I get the error no matter what I write for the parameters of chrome.tabs.executeScript. I also get the error when I include chrome.tabs.executeScript inside a function that is called whenever the browserAction is clicked



当背景页数首次出现在<代码>chrome://extensions<>/code>时,你将代码注入选定的表格。 页: 1


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