English 中文(简体)
原标题:maven custom assembly - how to copy external reference folder

I am building a simple Jar project with maven(latest)
When running maven package, I get the jar file at the target directory correctly,
I would like to customize the output so maven will copy some files and dependencies to the target alongside the jar.


-- resources  
-- src/main/java/com..(project sources)
-- src/main/assembly  (location of the assebmly.xml)


      -- myJar1.0.jar         (the artiface)   
      -- resources            (from the root build folder)
      -- lib                  (all the dependancies)
            -- anotherJar-1.0.jar
            -- anotherJar2-1.0.jar
            -- anotherJar3-1.0.jar

I read custom assembly on apache web site, I added the configuration to maven-assembly-plugin and configured the assembly.xml but I must do something wrong, I dont get the correct output,

页: 1


The target directory contain the lib with dependencies but it is located in folder with the artifact name, The resources directory is not being copy at all.

Please advise Thank you


通过设计,夜总会粉碎在目标代谢>上产生产出。 这样做是为了避免与其中产生的其他工艺相混淆(< 编码>> 类别:,test-classes等)。

关于未复制的资源,如果你希望复制件的全部内容的话,可以删除<代码><includes>节。 另外,第1条<代码>和t;fileSet>节是多余的。



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