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原标题:Search Facebook using PHP SDK

在过去的几天里,我就在Facebook上需要搜索用户的申请开展了工作。 由于FQL查询,我决定使用共同搜索预报软件。

我使用PHP,即FB PHP SDK是我更喜欢的方式。 我以前曾用过这个词来回答QL的问题。

// $api is already initialized, with access_key, app secret and so on
$users = $api(array(
     method  =>  fql.query ,
     query  => "SELECT first_name,last_name FROM user WHERE uid= 12345 ",

我愿以类似方式建立查询系统。 尤其是,我不想code缩地标出参数,具体说明进入钥匙、秘密以及科索沃民主党本应为我做的所有工作。 然而,我没有能够利用SDK来建立这一询问。 是否有这样做的可能性? 如果是,如何? 我已经找到了得到 s支持的“电话”清单很长,但我需要打造图表。

Thanks in advance.

EDIT: To make it clear, I don t want to build the string by myself. I know this solution works. But imho it s ugly when I have SDK:

$name = urlencode(trim($first_name . " " . $last_name_));
$users = $this->facebook->api("/search?q=$name&type=user&access_token=$key");

利用php-sdk 3.1.1通过图表搜索用户

  • User will need to authorize your app before making a search for users.

   "error": {
      "message": "A user access token is required to request this resource.",
      "type": "OAuthException"

  • Php-skd 3.1.1 init.

require  ./src/facebook.php ;
$facebook = new Facebook(array(
   appId   =>  your-app-id ,
   secret  =>  your-app-secret ,
$user = $facebook->getUser();
if ($user) {
  try {
    // Proceed knowing you have a logged in user who s authenticated.
    $user_profile = $facebook->api( /me );
  } catch (FacebookApiException $e) {
    $user = null;

/*  */
if ($user) {
  $logoutUrl = $facebook->getLogoutUrl();
} else {
  $loginUrl = $facebook->getLoginUrl();

  • Search includes, encoding search term, setting results limit, and offset for paging.

    /* Get Search parameter from url or post and urlencode it. */
$q = urlencode($_GET[ qs ]);
if(!$_GET[ qs ]){
$q = urlencode($_POST[ qs ]);
    if(!$_POST[ qs ]){
            /* Default Search Term */
    $q = "Shawn+E+Carter";
    /* Get Results Limit from url or set default. */
$limit = $_GET[ limit ];
    if (!$_GET[ limit ]){
$limit = 60;
    /* Get Offset from url or set default for paging. */
$offset = $_GET[ offset ];
    if (!$_GET[ offset ]){
$offset = 0;
    /* Make Graph API call to user */
$usersearch =  search%3Fq= .$q. %26type=user%26limit= .$limit. %26offset= .$offset.  ;

    echo  <pre style="text-align: left;"> ;
    echo  </pre> ;

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